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Posted: 8/25/2006 9:35:19 AM EDT
Two stories below my office window there was an accident on Central.  A POS Ford pick up truck with two latino ladies hit a Honda Civic.  The Honda Civic had a cute college aged girl in it.  Can you guess which car the constructions workers went to first and are still hanging around after that accident?  And it was a small fender bender.  No one has even walked to the Ford truck yet.

People amuse me.  

I should be working.
Link Posted: 8/25/2006 9:38:19 AM EDT
where pics of the girl?
Link Posted: 8/25/2006 9:39:44 AM EDT
Ford pickup versus Honda Civic.  I'd check out the Civic first too, no matter who was in it.
Link Posted: 8/25/2006 9:39:49 AM EDT

where pics of the girl?

I would have gotten caught, I swear I tried...
Link Posted: 8/25/2006 9:42:48 AM EDT
If you dug a shovel into dirt for a living would you say "Let's not get our mind off misery for a minute and keep digging!"

Link Posted: 8/25/2006 9:45:33 AM EDT
Construction workersMen are so horny

I would have been checking that honda out too.
Link Posted: 8/25/2006 9:47:17 AM EDT
I would have been consoling the college girl for the fact that those who just chowdered her car were likely uninsured.
Link Posted: 8/25/2006 10:04:06 AM EDT

If you dug a shovel into dirt for a living would you say "Let's not get our mind off misery for a minute and keep digging!"

They are government workers, do you really think they were digging?

One was digging while 5 watched.
Link Posted: 8/25/2006 10:05:42 AM EDT

One was digging while 5 watched.

You left that detail out
Link Posted: 8/25/2006 10:16:56 AM EDT
It's not so hard to understand.  Nailing things is what they do!
Link Posted: 8/25/2006 12:01:44 PM EDT
if she was hot..... can you blame them    
Link Posted: 8/25/2006 12:07:39 PM EDT
Why, yes we are John
Link Posted: 8/25/2006 2:12:49 PM EDT
Ha! when we are on our flatbed electric truck in the plant on our morning rounds,we ALWAYS take the route that maximizes our viewing of the  hot women along the way.
Link Posted: 8/25/2006 2:14:59 PM EDT
Working with big wood all day will do that.....
Link Posted: 8/25/2006 2:23:09 PM EDT
You need pics.
Link Posted: 8/25/2006 2:29:52 PM EDT
They're just ronry, oh so ronry.
Link Posted: 8/25/2006 2:44:36 PM EDT

Two stories below my office window there was an accident on Central.  A POS Ford pick up truck with two latino ladies hit a Honda Civic.  The Honda Civic had a cute college aged girl in it.  Can you guess which car the constructions workers went to first and are still hanging around after that accident?  And it was a small fender bender.  No one has even walked to the Ford truck yet.

People amuse me.  

I should be working.

I dunno...what did the latino ladies look like? Caliente?
Link Posted: 8/25/2006 2:48:49 PM EDT

I would have been consoling the college girl for the fact that those who just chowdered her car were likely uninsured.

Link Posted: 8/25/2006 3:10:06 PM EDT
Did you guys ever see this female muslim comic. I forget her name. She was talking about what it's like to be raised as a female muslim.

She said "Whenever I'd walk past the construction site, all of the workers would stare and whistle and shout 'SHOW US YOUR FACE!!' "

Link Posted: 8/25/2006 4:32:36 PM EDT
What line of work am I in?  Erection.  Steel...erection.
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