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Posted: 4/9/2001 7:19:10 AM EDT
I'm a member of a small, private range in NW CT, and we have a 100 yard rifle range that I will be doing some improvements on later this month. After they're finished, I was thinking about inviting the CT LEGP rifle owners for a an afternoon shoot and a BBQ.

We'd have to abide by the "members get priority" rule on the range, but the range is hardly used so I don't think we'll see too many members showing up to use it. It will have three new ambidexterous shooting benches, allowing three to shoot at a time, so even if a member does come down to zero a rifle, we'll still have two slots while he/she is there.

I'm also going to be stiffening up the somewhat springy floor of the shooting shed with some 3/4" plywood, glued and screwed down over the original pine board flooring, so we should have a solid surface for the benches, and enjoy some pretty accurate shooting.

Aside from following the basic range and safety rules, I would ask that we try and respect the neighbors of the range by not going too hog wild with the rapid firing. I'd like to try and do this in early to mid June. If anyone is interested in doing something like this, e-mail me at [email protected] and I'll be sure to keep you posted.

Link Posted: 4/9/2001 8:46:48 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/9/2001 9:48:37 AM EDT
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Link Posted: 4/9/2001 9:52:52 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/9/2001 9:54:09 AM EDT
I think I'll do that. Thanks! :)
Link Posted: 4/9/2001 11:17:38 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/9/2001 6:56:14 PM EDT
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