Can a person say in Missouri with a SBR or suppressor bring one to a range in Illinois?
What about just passing state lines with such items?
To your first question: no. Most NFA items require a form to transport across state lines. This is a 5320.20. If you attempt to fill one out for a state that doesn't allow NFA items, it will be rejected. Same thing for attempting to fill one out for state's that have extraneous requirements (such as MO requiring an FFL to have NFA items) and not meeting those requirements. You'll be denied.
While you don't need a 5320.20 for suppressors, you don't want to take them into a state where they're verboten. That wouldn't go so well for you.
As for crossing state lines, again, you'll need a 5320.20 for your final destination. I'm not sure if FOPA extends coverage to NFA items, so I can't comment for certain on that.
Now, if you have an SBR lower and toss a
>16" upper on there, you're set. You've taken it out of SBR configuration and can take it places without a 5320.20 per my understanding.