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Posted: 7/17/2010 6:18:16 AM EDT
Have you seen what is happening in Grenoble, France, les than 100miles from Geneva (where I live, in Switzerland) ?

A gang try to rob a Casino, and in a subsequent gunfight, Karim Boudouda, 27yo, one of the robber, get shot and killed by the police.....

well, nothing special, you would say...

except that the same day, night actually, the whole district where he did come from turn into Kaboul, with rioting, burning (60 cars and many shops), handguns shot at police officers, and hundreds of young people attacking police officers trying to restore law an order...

Can you see how messed up is this ??? Rioting after that a piece of shit who was already arrested and sentenced 3 times for armed robbery (why the heck was he already ot of jail with such a curriculum vitae, that's another question) got rightefully killed in self defense during his crime ?

I see France going to a very dangerous slope, and unless they do something STRONG, NOW (involving martial law or something like that) their next civil war is gonna make the balkan war look like disney land... it may happend in 5, 10 or more years, but it will happend, believe me.

for those who can read french :

17/07/2010 à 09:50

Incidents à Grenoble après la mort d'un malfaiteur

- Des incidents ont éclaté dans la nuit de vendredi à samedi à Grenoble, où la police a essuyé des tirs après la mort, la nuit précédente, d'un malfaiteur dans une fusillade consécutive à l'attaque du casino d'Uriage-les-Bains (Isère), a-t-on appris auprès de la direction départementale de la sécurité publique (DDSP).

Les incidents ont éclaté vers minuit dans le quartier de la Villeneuve, où vivait le malfaiteur, avec l'attaque d'un tramway immobilisé à l'aide d'un feu de broussailles, qui a donné lieu à une intervention de la police.

Une trentaine de véhicules ont ensuite été incendiés et des policiers, pris pour cibles par des tirs d'armes à feu, ont riposté à quatre reprises, précise la DDSP. Aucune victime n'a été signalée. A 04h00, une soixantaine d'agents tentaient toujours de ramener le calme.

Outre le braqueur tué, un policier a été blessé dans la fusillade de la nuit précédente, qui a suscité une vive réaction de syndicats de police, dont l'un réclame d'urgence des renforts dans la circonscription de Grenoble. Il s'agit de la troisième attaque de casino dans la région Rhône-Alpes et en Suisse voisine depuis quelques mois.

Vers 01h00 du matin, deux hommes lourdement armés ont fait irruption dans le casino d'Uriage-les-Bains, à une quinzaine de kilomètres de Grenoble.

Repartis avec un butin évalué entre 20.000 et 40.000 euros, les deux jeunes gens ont été pris en chasse par une patrouille de gendarmerie et de police.

Selon la police, les malfaiteurs ont ouvert le feu avec des fusils d'assaut, blessant un policier à la tête. Ce serait dans la riposte des forces de l'ordre qu'un des malfaiteurs, âgé de 24 ans, a été tué, selon la version des policiers.

Son complice a pris la fuite à pied dans le quartier de la Villeneuve, qui a été survolé par les hélicoptères pendant une partie de la nuit, en vain.

Le butin a été retrouvé dans une voiture abandonnée par les assaillants. L'Inspection générale de la police nationale (IGPN) a été saisie d'une enquête sur l'affaire.

Dans une lettre adressée au ministre de l'Intérieur, Brice Hortefeux, Nicolas Comte, secrétaire général du syndicat Unité SGP-Police, souligne que les effectifs de la sécurité publique de Grenoble ont subi une "baisse de 20%" depuis 2008.

Dans le même temps, dit-il, une vingtaine d'homicides ont été commis ces dernières années dans des affrontements entre bandes rivales grenobloises et les attaques à main armée se sont multipliées dans la région.

Nicolas Comte demande donc "expressément des renforts de policiers nationaux" dans la circonscription de Grenoble.

Le syndicat Alliance s'inquiète pour sa part de voir qu'une nouvelle fois "des criminels lourdement armés n'ont pas hésité à tirer à plusieurs reprises sur des policiers pour couvrir leur fuite".

Il rappelle le meurtre d'une policière municipale à Villiers-sur-Marne, près de Paris, le 20 mai dernier.

Des casseurs font face aux forces de l'ordre, dans une rue du quartier de la Villeneuve à Grenoble, le 17 juillet 2010. AFP PHOTO PHILIPPE MERLE

SOCIETE - Deux jeunes ont été arrêtés, une soixantaine de CRS appelés en renfort...
Cet article est mis à jour en continu, cliquez ici pour rafraîchir.
DERNIERE INFO: Brice Hortefeux, est attendu sur place dans la journée, mais l'heure de son arrivée n'a pas été précisée.

Une nuit de violences. Grenoble a été le théâtre de violents incidents dans la nuit de vendredi à samedi, après une course poursuite mortelle entre la police et un malfaiteur.

Deux jeunes arrêtés
Entre «50 et 60 voitures» ont été brûlées et deux jeunes, dont un mineur, ont été arrêtés, selon un bilan définitif de la police. Le ministre de l'Intérieur, Brice Hortefeux, est attendu sur place dans la journée, mais l'heure de son arrivée n'a pas été précisée.

Les deux jeunes arrêtés sont âgés de 17 et de 18 ans, a précisé un responsable de la police sans plus d'indications sur les circonstances et les raisons de leur arrestation. En outre des «engins de chantier» ainsi que «deux commerces» ont également été brûlés, a-t-il ajouté.

Une soixantaine de CRS en renfort
Les incidents se sont déroulés dans la nuit dans un quartier populaire de Grenoble, la Villeneuve, d'où était originaire Karim Boudouda, 27 ans, déjà condamné trois fois aux assises pour vol à main armée, et qui a trouvé la mort dans la course-poursuite qui a suivi sa fuite du casino d'Uriage-les-Bains, près de Grenoble. Avec un complice, actuellement en fuite, il s'était fait remettre le contenu de la caisse sous la menace d'armes lourdes.

La police de l'Isère, déjà renforcée d'une soixantaine de CRS, a sollicité d'autres renforts. Dans la nuit, les forces de l'ordre ont également ouvert le feu sur un groupe après qu'un jeune a tiré au pistolet automatique vers les policiers. Personne n'a été blessé.

Link Posted: 7/17/2010 6:21:45 AM EDT
Funny, Karim Boudoudou doesn't sound like a French name to me.  

Link Posted: 7/17/2010 6:23:46 AM EDT
Sounds like Oakland CA.

France has a lot to learn.
Link Posted: 7/17/2010 6:26:00 AM EDT
Do your part for France! Send them Freedom Fries!!
Link Posted: 7/17/2010 6:26:26 AM EDT
Funny, Karim Boudoudou doesn't sound like a French name to me.  http://i30.tinypic.com/1zzhxdh.gif

well well..

southern, southern France, if you see what I mean.. the ones who believe in "peace"...
Link Posted: 7/17/2010 6:28:16 AM EDT


Funny, Karim Boudoudou doesn't sound like a French name to me.  http://i30.tinypic.com/1zzhxdh.gif

What I was thinking...musllim connection? That'd be soooo shocking...

Link Posted: 7/17/2010 6:29:37 AM EDT
i wonder if france is still happy about killing all those templars now...
Link Posted: 7/17/2010 6:31:16 AM EDT
'No justice, no peace?"
Link Posted: 7/17/2010 6:37:11 AM EDT

Funny, Karim Boudoudou doesn't sound like a French name to me.  http://i30.tinypic.com/1zzhxdh.gif

What I was thinking...musllim connection? That'd be soooo shocking...

Not sure......  but a Imam was involved.. was he preaching them love and peace.. probably..


sorry, no english articles yet. they will surely come from GB tonight. this is fresh news.
Link Posted: 7/17/2010 6:38:36 AM EDT
From the Hidustan Times...

French town hit by riots after man killed by police
Agence France-Presse
Grenoble, July 17, 2010First Published: 11:06 IST(17/7/2010)
Last Updated: 11:13 IST(17/7/2010)
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The southeastern French town of Grenoble was hit by riots on early Saturday with shots fired and cars set alight after a man accused of robbing a casino was killed by police. Police spokeswoman Brigitte Jullien said, shots had been fired at police who returned fire four times. A youth was arrested at the scene of

the riots, the working class district of La Villeneuve.
Thirty cars and several businesses were torched, while angry youths armed with baseball bats and iron bars attacked a tram and forced the passengers to get out.

The incidents started after a Muslim service for 27-year-old Karim Boudouda, who died 24 hours earlier in a shootout with police after the Uriage-les-Bains casino near Grenoble was held up.

Definitely a coordinated muslim attack on French police and private citizens.

The european newspapers have all reported this...
Link Posted: 7/17/2010 6:41:20 AM EDT
An entire population that lives in a country, but does not accept that countries laws, or believes that they are part of that country, fed lies by people who want power and control, and are willing to let these people be their vanguard of "change".

All too familiar.
Link Posted: 7/17/2010 6:42:18 AM EDT
Shung I'm not trying to take a shit on you or your thread but your posting a news article about the criminal underclass rioting after the police killed one of them and you're all shocked as heck at it.

This is where Europeans simply don't get it. You look across the pond and see a bunch of white people in an industrialized nation and think subconsciously that we are the same.

We are not. We do not think like Europeans (except for Californians and North Easterners) nor do we share similar experiences.

Cops shot an armed robber? GOOD! the criminal underclass got pissy and rioted and burned some shit down? welcome to Miami, St petersburg, LA, or Chicago.

we live with a criminal underclass a hundred times more violent than yours and we are use to it.
Link Posted: 7/17/2010 6:49:34 AM EDT

I assume you aren't allowed to own guns in France?

Better start practicing with your nunchucks and bowstaff.

Link Posted: 7/17/2010 6:51:57 AM EDT
Shung I'm not trying to take a shit on you or your thread but your posting a news article about the criminal underclass rioting after the police killed one of them and you're all shocked as heck at it.

This is where Europeans simply don't get it. You look across the pond and see a bunch of white people in an industrialized nation and think subconsciously that we are the same.

We are not. We do not think like Europeans (except for Californians and North Easterners) nor do we share similar experiences.

Cops shot an armed robber? GOOD! the criminal underclass got pissy and rioted and burned some shit down? welcome to Miami, St petersburg, LA, or Chicago.

we live with a criminal underclass a hundred times more violent than yours and we are use to it.

well, common or not, it isnt more right in Grenoble or in Miami...

I'd expect the same answer from the power in charge in Grenoble or in Miami. Crush the criminals until they don't exist anymore.. It seems that the public opinion doesnt wan't it so, more here than there, but there too...  

Am I wrong ?

btw, here is Grenoble, we are not talking about a criminal underclass, but whole group of people sharing the same ethnical, religious and social origins..

sorry if my english is too bad to make it more clear.

Link Posted: 7/17/2010 6:52:55 AM EDT
Europe has massive Muslim immigration.  The native Europeans aren't reproducing, the Muslim population is burgeoning.  It's not just France, there are areas all over Europe where it isn't safe for natives to go.   What the muslims couldn't take by force of arms for a thousand years is being handed to them on a sliver plate.  Europe will be muslim in 50 years.
Link Posted: 7/17/2010 6:53:37 AM EDT
I assume you aren't allowed to own guns in France?

Better start practicing with your nunchucks and bowstaff.

Shung is from Switzerland, it is next to France, people in Switzerland have gun.

People in France can have guns too, if you search around you will see pictures posted by French members here of their ARs and other guns.
Link Posted: 7/17/2010 6:54:14 AM EDT
Every Government when faced with what it considers a serious threat to their authority will react harshly. Evidently the French Government doesn't feel the situation is serious enough yet to warrant unleashing hell upon the restive minority.

When the time comes and fear arrives in Paris-the French will rise to the occasion.
Link Posted: 7/17/2010 6:55:41 AM EDT
I assume you aren't allowed to own guns in France?

Better start practicing with your nunchucks and bowstaff.

I am not in France.

but they've got guns in France (hunting, sport shooting).... You can get nearly what you want exept FA there, if you are willing to go through some fucking paperwork, but you can do it. However, their common peasant cannot own a gun specifically for the purpose of protecting himself.... must be linked to a hobby or sport.

be reassured, it ain't so in Switzerland. We can own guns (FA included, SBR dont exist, they are standard long guns for us), not matter what is your reason and if your criminal record is clean.  My personal gun ratio* is above 1.17 , and I am only 29YO ;)

*Gun ratio : fair evaluation of your gun collecting disease ––> number of guns you own / your age
Link Posted: 7/17/2010 6:56:57 AM EDT
An entire population that lives in a country, but does not accept that countries laws, or believes that they are part of that country, fed lies by people who want power and control, and are willing to let these people be their vanguard of "change".

All too familiar.

Link Posted: 7/17/2010 7:01:30 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/17/2010 7:03:36 AM EDT
Every Government when faced with what it considers a serious threat to their authority will react harshly. Evidently the French Government doesn't feel the situation is serious enough yet to warrant unleashing hell upon the restive minority.

When the time comes and fear arrives in Paris-the French will rise to the occasion.

+1.  This applies to other countries to.

Link Posted: 7/17/2010 7:07:15 AM EDT
If the French get pissed, blood will run in the streets.  It was said that during the Great Terror, so much blood was spilled in Paris that the city could be smelled from over 100 miles away.  While we think ourselves better than the Nazis, the French, like us, are only steps away from going Africa.
Link Posted: 7/17/2010 7:08:04 AM EDT
What are the benefits of multiculturalism ?
Link Posted: 7/17/2010 7:13:06 AM EDT
Have you seen what is happening in Grenoble, France, les than 100miles from Geneva (where I live, in Switzerland) ?

A gang try to rob a Casino, and in a subsequent gunfight, Karim Boudouda, 27yo, one of the robber, get shot and killed by the police.....

well, nothing special, you would say...

except that the same day, night actually, the whole district where he did come from turn into Kaboul, with rioting, burning (60 cars and many shops), handguns shot at police officers, and hundreds of young people attacking police officers trying to restore law an order...

Can you see how messed up is this ??? Rioting after that a piece of shit who was already arrested and sentenced 3 times for armed robbery (why the heck was he already ot of jail with such a curriculum vitae, that's another question) got rightefully killed in self defense during his crime ?

I see France going to a very dangerous slope, and unless they do something STRONG, NOW (involving martial law or something like that) their next civil war is gonna make the balkan war look like disney land... it may happend in 5, 10 or more years, but it will happend, believe me.

for those who can read french :

17/07/2010 à 09:50

Incidents à Grenoble après la mort d'un malfaiteur

- Des incidents ont éclaté dans la nuit de vendredi à samedi à Grenoble, où la police a essuyé des tirs après la mort, la nuit précédente, d'un malfaiteur dans une fusillade consécutive à l'attaque du casino d'Uriage-les-Bains (Isère), a-t-on appris auprès de la direction départementale de la sécurité publique (DDSP).

Les incidents ont éclaté vers minuit dans le quartier de la Villeneuve, où vivait le malfaiteur, avec l'attaque d'un tramway immobilisé à l'aide d'un feu de broussailles, qui a donné lieu à une intervention de la police.

Une trentaine de véhicules ont ensuite été incendiés et des policiers, pris pour cibles par des tirs d'armes à feu, ont riposté à quatre reprises, précise la DDSP. Aucune victime n'a été signalée. A 04h00, une soixantaine d'agents tentaient toujours de ramener le calme.

Outre le braqueur tué, un policier a été blessé dans la fusillade de la nuit précédente, qui a suscité une vive réaction de syndicats de police, dont l'un réclame d'urgence des renforts dans la circonscription de Grenoble. Il s'agit de la troisième attaque de casino dans la région Rhône-Alpes et en Suisse voisine depuis quelques mois.

Vers 01h00 du matin, deux hommes lourdement armés ont fait irruption dans le casino d'Uriage-les-Bains, à une quinzaine de kilomètres de Grenoble.

Repartis avec un butin évalué entre 20.000 et 40.000 euros, les deux jeunes gens ont été pris en chasse par une patrouille de gendarmerie et de police.

Selon la police, les malfaiteurs ont ouvert le feu avec des fusils d'assaut, blessant un policier à la tête. Ce serait dans la riposte des forces de l'ordre qu'un des malfaiteurs, âgé de 24 ans, a été tué, selon la version des policiers.

Son complice a pris la fuite à pied dans le quartier de la Villeneuve, qui a été survolé par les hélicoptères pendant une partie de la nuit, en vain.

Le butin a été retrouvé dans une voiture abandonnée par les assaillants. L'Inspection générale de la police nationale (IGPN) a été saisie d'une enquête sur l'affaire.

Dans une lettre adressée au ministre de l'Intérieur, Brice Hortefeux, Nicolas Comte, secrétaire général du syndicat Unité SGP-Police, souligne que les effectifs de la sécurité publique de Grenoble ont subi une "baisse de 20%" depuis 2008.

Dans le même temps, dit-il, une vingtaine d'homicides ont été commis ces dernières années dans des affrontements entre bandes rivales grenobloises et les attaques à main armée se sont multipliées dans la région.

Nicolas Comte demande donc "expressément des renforts de policiers nationaux" dans la circonscription de Grenoble.

Le syndicat Alliance s'inquiète pour sa part de voir qu'une nouvelle fois "des criminels lourdement armés n'ont pas hésité à tirer à plusieurs reprises sur des policiers pour couvrir leur fuite".

Il rappelle le meurtre d'une policière municipale à Villiers-sur-Marne, près de Paris, le 20 mai dernier.

Des casseurs font face aux forces de l'ordre, dans une rue du quartier de la Villeneuve à Grenoble, le 17 juillet 2010. AFP PHOTO PHILIPPE MERLE

SOCIETE - Deux jeunes ont été arrêtés, une soixantaine de CRS appelés en renfort...
Cet article est mis à jour en continu, cliquez ici pour rafraîchir.
DERNIERE INFO: Brice Hortefeux, est attendu sur place dans la journée, mais l'heure de son arrivée n'a pas été précisée.

Une nuit de violences. Grenoble a été le théâtre de violents incidents dans la nuit de vendredi à samedi, après une course poursuite mortelle entre la police et un malfaiteur.

Deux jeunes arrêtés
Entre «50 et 60 voitures» ont été brûlées et deux jeunes, dont un mineur, ont été arrêtés, selon un bilan définitif de la police. Le ministre de l'Intérieur, Brice Hortefeux, est attendu sur place dans la journée, mais l'heure de son arrivée n'a pas été précisée.

Les deux jeunes arrêtés sont âgés de 17 et de 18 ans, a précisé un responsable de la police sans plus d'indications sur les circonstances et les raisons de leur arrestation. En outre des «engins de chantier» ainsi que «deux commerces» ont également été brûlés, a-t-il ajouté.

Une soixantaine de CRS en renfort
Les incidents se sont déroulés dans la nuit dans un quartier populaire de Grenoble, la Villeneuve, d'où était originaire Karim Boudouda, 27 ans, déjà condamné trois fois aux assises pour vol à main armée, et qui a trouvé la mort dans la course-poursuite qui a suivi sa fuite du casino d'Uriage-les-Bains, près de Grenoble. Avec un complice, actuellement en fuite, il s'était fait remettre le contenu de la caisse sous la menace d'armes lourdes.

La police de l'Isère, déjà renforcée d'une soixantaine de CRS, a sollicité d'autres renforts. Dans la nuit, les forces de l'ordre ont également ouvert le feu sur un groupe après qu'un jeune a tiré au pistolet automatique vers les policiers. Personne n'a été blessé.

Ahh, you are just another one of those xenophobic, tin foil wearing Ameri...wait a minute.....!  
Link Posted: 7/17/2010 7:16:04 AM EDT
Oh wait, I thought European nations were supposed to be older and more experienced than us lowly Americans.
Link Posted: 7/17/2010 7:17:44 AM EDT



Every Government when faced with what it considers a serious threat to their authority will react harshly. Evidently the French Government doesn't feel the situation is serious enough yet to warrant unleashing hell upon the restive minority.

When the time comes and fear arrives in Paris-the French will rise to the occasion.

+1.  This applies to other countries to.

Especially the French. The Parisian Communists may throw a hissy fit, as
they did in Algeria, but that country has vicious, authoritarian streak
a mile wide and it will come out when they have to protect French
interests. Remember the Rainbow Warrior? That's how far they will go.

The Euro countries, in general, a not nearly as nice as they pretend to be. Examples: A few years back a German court ruled that police torture was acceptable under certain circumstances, and in the eighties the Spanish government paid hit squads to assassinate ETA political and military leaders in Spain and France.

Link Posted: 7/17/2010 7:19:49 AM EDT
{Steve Martin\}  Oh no, he spoke French!  Help him! [/Steve Martin]

Link Posted: 7/17/2010 7:20:26 AM EDT
Ahh, you are just another one of those xenophobic, tin foil wearing Ameri...wait a minute.....!

Link Posted: 7/17/2010 7:24:26 AM EDT
What are the benefits of multiculturalism ?

Less than none.
Link Posted: 7/17/2010 7:25:02 AM EDT
What are the benefits of multiculturalism ?

Some would say cheap labor. I personally am a fan of isolationism.
Link Posted: 7/17/2010 7:26:38 AM EDT
Europe has massive Muslim immigration.  The native Europeans aren't reproducing, the Muslim population is burgeoning.  It's not just France, there are areas all over Europe where it isn't safe for natives to go.   What the muslims couldn't take by force of arms for a thousand years is being handed to them on a sliver plate.  Europe will be muslim in 50 years.

I think it may take a little longer for Switzerland.  The natives are armed to the teeth and know how to shoot.  Their immigration control is currently effective, based on the stats.  They believe in law and order.  They are pragmatists, not screwed up idealogues.

Link Posted: 7/17/2010 7:28:53 AM EDT


What are the benefits of multiculturalism ?

It's the nature of humans and many animals to self segregate, hence tribes, nations, neighborhoods, etc. It is impossible to homogenize the human race and no amount of peace and love and tolerance will change that.  People consciously choose to live around other people of similar traits. When an outsider comes in, they are resented unless they assimilate, humans and animals alike. That's why tolerance will never work and that's why 'outsiders' should be required to learn & accept the local language, customs, standards, laws, traditions etc. Even within America, with race totally out of the picture, individuals from one part of the country often find themselves not openly welcome in other parts of the country.

You can't even take a sheep in introduce it to a new flock without the rest of the flock rejecting it, at least for a significant period of time.

Link Posted: 7/17/2010 7:34:39 AM EDT
I think it may take a little longer for Switzerland. The natives are armed to the teeth and know how to shoot. Their immigration control is currently effective, based on the stats. They believe in law and order. They are pragmatists, not screwed up idealogues.

be worried for us..

the "pussyfication" of Switzerland is going on..
Link Posted: 7/17/2010 7:37:19 AM EDT
The only country in Europe that has its head screwed on correctly is Switzerland. They took a very strong stand against immigration and muslims many years ago and it is helping them. They do have a lot of pussies there too though.

Italy has actually started to follow Switzerland example, but Germany and France are totally fucked. The muslims are at a point they can overrun them anywere, anytime, anyway they want. They are culturally much more aggressive and the French and Germans simply do not have the balls to stand up against them. They actually do but not in any numbers that will make a difference.

Northern europe will be fucked in well under 20 years. We will see them burn and fall in our lifetime easily.

Link Posted: 7/17/2010 7:39:49 AM EDT
I think it may take a little longer for Switzerland. The natives are armed to the teeth and know how to shoot. Their immigration control is currently effective, based on the stats. They believe in law and order. They are pragmatists, not screwed up idealogues.

be worried for us..

the "pussyfication" of Switzerland is going on..

That may be true, but you all all cool since you have  Swiss Bank Accounts  
Link Posted: 7/17/2010 7:39:58 AM EDT



Shung I'm not trying to take a shit on you or your thread but your posting a news article about the criminal underclass rioting after the police killed one of them and you're all shocked as heck at it.

This is where Europeans simply don't get it. You look across the pond and see a bunch of white people in an industrialized nation and think subconsciously that we are the same.

We are not. We do not think like Europeans (except for Californians and North Easterners) nor do we share similar experiences.

Cops shot an armed robber? GOOD! the criminal underclass got pissy and rioted and burned some shit down? welcome to Miami, St petersburg, LA, or Chicago.

we live with a criminal underclass a hundred times more violent than yours and we are use to it.

well, common or not, it isnt more right in Grenoble or in Miami...

I'd expect the same answer from the power in charge in Grenoble or in Miami. Crush the criminals until they don't exist anymore.. It seems that the public opinion doesnt wan't it so, more here than there, but there too...  

Am I wrong ?

btw, here is Grenoble, we are not talking about a criminal underclass, but whole group of people sharing the same ethnical, religious and social origins..

sorry if my english is too bad to make it more clear.

nope ya ain't wrong at all. I'm just saying don't expect us Americans or SOuth Africans or Rhodesians to be like "OH MY GOD WTF BBQ!" shocked.

Link Posted: 7/17/2010 7:40:12 AM EDT
images talk more than words:

Link Posted: 7/17/2010 7:42:06 AM EDT
I think it may take a little longer for Switzerland. The natives are armed to the teeth and know how to shoot. Their immigration control is currently effective, based on the stats. They believe in law and order. They are pragmatists, not screwed up idealogues.

be worried for us..

the "pussyfication" of Switzerland is going on..

Wasn't there a Swiss gun rights group formed a few years ago? If even Swiss gun rights are under attack, what hope is there for the rest of Europe?
Link Posted: 7/17/2010 7:44:37 AM EDT
Europe has massive Muslim immigration.  The native Europeans aren't reproducing, the Muslim population is burgeoning.  It's not just France, there are areas all over Europe where it isn't safe for natives to go.   What the muslims couldn't take by force of arms for a thousand years is being handed to them on a sliver plate.  Europe will be muslim in 50 years.

But, but, but, all immigrants are the same!

Link Posted: 7/17/2010 7:44:37 AM EDT


An entire population that lives in a country, but does not accept that countries laws, or believes that they are part of that country, fed lies by people who want power and control, and are willing to let these people be their vanguard of "change".

All too familiar.

Sounds like La Raza to me.

Link Posted: 7/17/2010 7:48:13 AM EDT
I think it may take a little longer for Switzerland. The natives are armed to the teeth and know how to shoot. Their immigration control is currently effective, based on the stats. They believe in law and order. They are pragmatists, not screwed up idealogues.

be worried for us..

the "pussyfication" of Switzerland is going on..

Wasn't there a Swiss gun rights group formed a few years ago? If even Swiss gun rights are under attack, what hope is there for the rest of Europe?

Yes, Pro Tell.. got some nice victories in the past, but it never grew up enough... I suspect less than 5% of gun owners are part of it, and it is a shame..   I'm part of Pro tell and the NRA.. try to do my part. I also very active at writing to politician to let them know we are watching them. In the past I also made files for the politicians trying to defend our gunright in public debats (on TV) and it worked very well.. I mean, when you have the right arguments, the truth, and facts and numbers to back it up, anti-gunners have only their stupid ideology for them, and they look pretty incompetent.
Link Posted: 7/17/2010 7:49:20 AM EDT


Funny, Karim Boudoudou doesn't sound like a French name to me. http://i30.tinypic.com/1zzhxdh.gif

Huh..........huh, huh, huh....

He said do-doo.
Link Posted: 7/17/2010 7:50:30 AM EDT
I'm reminded of the Albigensian crusade
Link Posted: 7/17/2010 7:53:29 AM EDT

If anyone would like some reading relevant to this:

It's a good, albeit frightening, read about how Muslims can use the PC culture to destroy the host country.

Link Posted: 7/17/2010 7:55:47 AM EDT
The Europeans made "ethnic cleansing" into an art form.  Old skillsets die hard.
Link Posted: 7/17/2010 7:59:50 AM EDT
That same kind of bullshit is occurring across France for the last decade or so.  

As more Muslims pour into France and take over entire segments of metropolitan areas, they commit crimes, terrorize the public and taunt police anytime they feel like it.  The stories are always reported as "Youths rioting in Paris suburb, torching X many cars last night".  The damn French government keeps letting them get away with it, such as when that one "youth" (mooslime dirtbag) hid in a transformer cabinet while running from the cops and became the human candle.   The French Govt apologized for the death as if they were at fault for his stupidity, and the locals rioted.


Link Posted: 7/17/2010 8:00:18 AM EDT

Funny, Karim Boudoudou doesn't sound like a French name to me.  http://i30.tinypic.com/1zzhxdh.gif

What I was thinking...musllim connection? That'd be soooo shocking...

What is wrong with these people?  Didn't Obama promise to use NASA to reach out to Muslim countries as a show of support?  What more do they expect?

Obama may see himself as the next FDR, but I'm seeing Chamberlain all over again.  Appeasing Hitler and his thugs got GB nowhere. But then, you'd have to study history to know that.  About time for our Winston Churchill ?

Link Posted: 7/17/2010 8:04:48 AM EDT
France intentionally imported these maghrebins, becuase there birthrate would not be able to sustain their socialist policies.

The French assumed that their culture was so superior that they would integrate and become good frenchmen.

Did anyone really  beleive this?
Link Posted: 7/17/2010 8:07:02 AM EDT
No civil war, just a radical takeover of France
Link Posted: 7/17/2010 8:08:56 AM EDT
France intentionally imported these maghrebins, becuase there birthrate would not be able to sustain their socialist policies.

The French assumed that their culture was so superior that they would integrate and become good frenchmen.

Did anyone really  beleive this?

Actually, the French have made this work in the past.  The problem now is sheer numbers and radical Islam.
Link Posted: 7/17/2010 8:12:14 AM EDT
Europe has massive Muslim immigration.  The native Europeans aren't reproducing, the Muslim population is burgeoning.  It's not just France, there are areas all over Europe where it isn't safe for natives to go.   What the muslims couldn't take by force of arms for a thousand years is being handed to them on a sliver plate.  Europe will be muslim in 50 years.

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