Higher percentage of Connecticut small-town residents have gun permits than those in cities
If you live in a small town in Connecticut, you are more likely to have a pistol permit than a city dweller.
While Bridgeport has the highest number of permit holders, several small, rural towns top the list with the highest percentage of their population having a pistol permit.
About 170,000 people in Connecticut have them, and the number of individuals seeking them has increased in recent years.
Attorney Ralph Sherman of New Britain, who has had a pistol permit for about 25 years, said he originally got his because he knew people who had awakened to discover a burglar in their home.
"I wondered what I would do in that situation,” Sherman said. "I don’t feel that calling 911 and waiting for help is adequate.”
As of late December, Bridgeport had the most individuals with pistol permits, 4,031. Communities with the most permits typically included the state’s larger municipalities.
But it is typically small communities that have the highest percentage of the population with a pistol permit, according to data provided by state police.
Canaan, with a population of just 1,234, had 167 pistol permits, accounting for about 13.5 percent of the population. The top five communities with the highest percentage of the population having pistol permits were Canaan, Union, Harwinton, Hartland and Hampton.
[div][div]In New Haven, population 129,779, only about 1.6 percent of residents — 2,061 — have pistol permits.
The higher percentages in rural areas may be fueled by concerns like Sherman’s about waiting for assistance.
"The government can’t be there all the time,” Sherman said. "People don’t want to be the case where the police showed up too late.”
Call Michelle Tuccitto Sullo at 203-789-5707.