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Posted: 5/8/2003 8:34:39 AM EDT
From [url]http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/3009537.stm[/url]

[b]BBC News has seen evidence which suggests that cats are being farmed for their skins in the European Union.

It is thought that tens of thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands of cat and dog skins are traded in Europe each year.

Campaigners say that now is the time for national governments or the European Commission to act.

Europe, it seems, is a magnet for cat and dog fur.

Cat blankets, so the aficionados say, are good for rheumatism.

Dog pelts are often labelled misleadingly and sold as the fur of some exotic, even mythical beast.

A video seen by BBC correspondent Tim Franks shows one Belgian furrier displaying a blanket he says was made from cats farmed in Belgium.

What is more, he says that stray cats and dogs are rounded up and skinned


More at the link.....don't shoot the messanger[peep]

Link Posted: 5/8/2003 8:35:59 AM EDT
Picture of Fluffy waiting on Death Row;

Link Posted: 5/8/2003 8:39:06 AM EDT
LOL, talk about old news. Cat fur is an ancient folk remedy against (not for) rheumatism. Wrap it around your waist. It would work with a live cat still in his fur, but they never seem to hold still long enough ;)
Link Posted: 5/8/2003 8:42:54 AM EDT
101..THOUSAND dalmations??  
Link Posted: 5/8/2003 8:50:00 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/8/2003 9:01:42 AM EDT
[b]BBC News has seen evidence which suggests that cats are being farmed for their skins in the European Union.
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So now everytime we mastrubate we get a fur coat?
Link Posted: 5/8/2003 9:09:00 AM EDT
[b]BBC News has seen evidence which suggests that cats are being farmed for their skins in the European Union.
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So now everytime we mastrubate we get a fur coat?
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Link Posted: 5/8/2003 9:12:33 AM EDT
Whats the big deal? The Chinese restaurant in town has been doing this for years![:O]
Link Posted: 5/8/2003 10:57:26 AM EDT

Link Posted: 5/8/2003 11:05:15 AM EDT

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you want them to sell french skins as well?? [;D]
Link Posted: 5/8/2003 11:10:35 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/8/2003 11:10:48 AM EDT
Well sgtar15, if it worries you get this breed.[img]http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2003-5/141064/skinacat.jpg[/img][b]no fur[/b]
Link Posted: 5/8/2003 11:14:09 AM EDT
Is that a cat or a bat without wings?
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