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Posted: 6/23/2011 11:11:35 AM EDT
the mom searched for chloroform..lol

Fl prosecutors sure arent the brightest bunch
Link Posted: 6/23/2011 11:15:49 AM EDT
I'm soooo fucking sick of hearing about that tabloid trial. I DON"T GIVE A SHIT!
Link Posted: 6/23/2011 11:16:27 AM EDT
the mom was probably trying to find a way to knock her piece of shit party girl daughter out so she wouldn't do something  stupid with her grandchild
Link Posted: 6/23/2011 11:28:13 AM EDT


I'm soooo fucking sick of hearing about that tabloid trial. I DON"T GIVE A SHIT!

then go away.

its whats on the news, unfortunately.  the fact that the prosecutions case is almost all circumstantial makes it humorous

dt: i wouldnt doubt it either way but theres nothing... concrete that says so one way or the other.

Link Posted: 6/23/2011 11:30:53 AM EDT
I hope she get put down.
Link Posted: 6/23/2011 11:40:03 AM EDT
Good grief! I honestly have a slight feeling that Casey is innocent. I just don't know why
Link Posted: 6/23/2011 11:51:54 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/23/2011 11:52:10 AM EDT



I'm soooo fucking sick of hearing about that tabloid trial. I DON"T GIVE A SHIT!

then go away.

its whats on the news, unfortunately.  the fact that the prosecutions case is almost all circumstantial makes it humorous

dt: i wouldnt doubt it either way but theres nothing... concrete that says so one way or the other.


Only, circumstantial - it probably doesn't mean what you think it means.  I know, I know - we've all watched too much TV and think circumstantial evidence is some kind of non-evidence, but in the real world it doesn't work that way.

Link Posted: 6/23/2011 11:53:15 AM EDT


I hope she get put down.

Not enough evidence for that, IMO.  As a juror I'd say beyond a reasonable doubt she's guilty, but my standard for the death penalty would be higher still - somewhere like "no even vaguely plausible doubt".

ETA: Failure to apply this higher level of standard for death penalty cases is why you end up finding out "oh, fuck, turns out that guy we executed last year was innocent.  Sucks to be him."

Link Posted: 6/23/2011 11:53:53 AM EDT
What it does show is that the entire family is tainted in some way.  
Link Posted: 6/23/2011 11:53:53 AM EDT


I really don't think the jury is going to buy she drowned in the pool and then pull out every fuck stick excuse in the book.

The bitch is going to prison.

The jury has no idea the defense said that. They weren't in the courtroom when the defense made that claim.

Link Posted: 6/23/2011 11:54:48 AM EDT


the mom searched for chloroform..lol

Fl prosecutors sure arent the brightest bunch

I think Cindy Anthony is lying to cover for her daughter and will be brought up on perjury charges.

Link Posted: 6/23/2011 11:56:04 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/23/2011 12:00:14 PM EDT
I swear her head is getting bigger day by day
Link Posted: 6/23/2011 12:02:16 PM EDT

I really don't think the jury is going to buy she drowned in the pool and then pull out every fuck stick excuse in the book.

The bitch is going to prison.

The jury has no idea the defense said that. They weren't in the courtroom when the defense made that claim.

Oh...I haven't paid real close attention to the trial but I have a hard time believing she will walk.

Didn't the defense make that assertion during their opeining arguments.  At that point they put out their whole defensive theory.

Link Posted: 6/23/2011 12:02:27 PM EDT


I really don't think the jury is going to buy she drowned in the pool and then pull out every fuck stick excuse in the book.

The bitch is going to prison.



The only manner of debate I'm interested in is whether she gets life or death.

This whole thing is a debacle, unfortunately. I would be utterly shocked if she isn't granted a new trial on appeal.
Link Posted: 6/23/2011 12:07:27 PM EDT
I really don't think the jury is going to buy she drowned in the pool and then pull out every fuck stick excuse in the book.

The bitch is going to prison.

I would hope she will be put to death. If I would be in the jury I sure as hell would not believe a word from her or her defense.

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