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Posted: 12/17/2010 6:55:32 PM EDT
So I'm driving down US90 on the way to visit my in-laws with the wife and kids in the car, when a small, flopping, black-and-white bloody and furry mass is ejected from behind a rear tire of a semi trailer in front of me.  I barely have enough time to say, "Oh shit!" and maneuver my wheels such that the creature passes between my wheels.  As it did so, I noticed a rather ominous cloud of mist above its body.  It was then that I knew we were fucked!

The most horrendous, God-awful stench came over the car nearly immediately.  In a panic I tried to turn off the fucking A/C so that it wouldn't blow skunk funk directly into our faces, but soon that fetid foulness was in my mouth, a sort of garlic-and-shit medley that made my eyes water and burn and my nose sting.  My poor two-year-old twin girls in the back began to whine and grimace like they were going to puke, so I opened the moon roof and windows to try to ventilate the car as much as I could.

20 miles later we tried to find a carwash with one of those undercarriage blasters, to no avail.  Now my fucking car smells like skunk and everything that was in the trunk (luggage, clothes, bedding, etc) has evidently been inundated by weapons-grade dead skunk spray putrescence.

Any ideas for how to get rid of this shit, short of driving my car into a tomato juice factory?
Link Posted: 12/17/2010 7:04:39 PM EDT
When the dogs get sprayed,we wash them down with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide.
Link Posted: 12/17/2010 7:11:19 PM EDT

Happened to me some time ago...

I just drove with the windows down for a week
Link Posted: 12/17/2010 7:17:47 PM EDT
I used to carry a few of those glass stinkbombs in my tank bag (along with some other hooligan goodies). 3 or 4 of those things whipped into the ground at freeway speed generate a cloud of funk.
Link Posted: 12/17/2010 7:26:23 PM EDT
When the dogs get sprayed,we wash them down with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide.

This is the ticket.

I'd try putting some in a pump-up sprayer and going after any part of the car undercarriage you can and think you should spray.

Empty a 1-qt. bottle of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide into a medium-sized bucket. Add 1/4 cup of baking soda and 1 tsp. liquid dish detergent. If you do not have baking soda, use sodium bicarbonate. If you do not have liquid dish detergent, use liquid soap.

Use a wooden spoon or your hands to thoroughly mix the ingredients together.

Rinse the mixture completely using clean tap water.

Repeat the application a second or third time if necessary.

Link Posted: 12/17/2010 9:27:20 PM EDT
I thought you were going to say the twins ripped loose in the car sucks to be you
Link Posted: 12/17/2010 10:58:51 PM EDT

If you do not have baking soda, use sodium bicarbonate.

You are kidding, right?
Link Posted: 12/17/2010 11:51:51 PM EDT
Sorry 'bout that

The smell should diminish in a couple of weeks.
Link Posted: 12/18/2010 12:18:02 AM EDT
So I'm driving down US90 on the way to visit my in-laws with the wife and kids in the car, when a small, flopping, black-and-white bloody and furry mass is ejected from behind a rear tire of a semi trailer in front of me.  I barely have enough time to say, "Oh shit!" and maneuver my wheels such that the creature passes between my wheels.  As it did so, I noticed a rather ominous cloud of mist above its body.  It was then that I knew we were fucked!

The most horrendous, God-awful stench came over the car nearly immediately.  In a panic I tried to turn off the fucking A/C so that it wouldn't blow skunk funk directly into our faces, but soon that fetid foulness was in my mouth, a sort of garlic-and-shit medley that made my eyes water and burn and my nose sting.  My poor two-year-old twin girls in the back began to whine and grimace like they were going to puke, so I opened the moon roof and windows to try to ventilate the car as much as I could.

20 miles later we tried to find a carwash with one of those undercarriage blasters, to no avail.  Now my fucking car smells like skunk and everything that was in the trunk (luggage, clothes, bedding, etc) has evidently been inundated by weapons-grade dead skunk spray putrescence.

Any ideas for how to get rid of this shit, short of driving my car into a tomato juice factory?

Link Posted: 12/18/2010 8:09:30 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/18/2010 11:07:09 AM EDT
I've hit two skunks.  Yeah, it is a bit powerful for the first few days.  

You could try Odo-Ban in a pump sprayer (like used for pesticides), and hose down the bumper/engine compartment/wheel wells/etc.

Otherwise, you only need a lot of air circulation for a week or so.  Should be easy since you mentioned turning off the A/C, it's only 14 degrees here.
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