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Posted: 2/17/2017 3:45:30 PM EDT
Something that's always bugged me, but I'm too lazy to Google it, so I'll just ask GD...

After CPT Phillips was extracted from the Maersk Alabama's lifeboat, and was checked out by medical, was he checked out for AIDS, Ebola and other blood borne pathogens? Because after the pirates got head canoed, I'm guessing that there was a wee bit of blood spatter in the eyes and/or mouth.
Link Posted: 2/17/2017 3:52:36 PM EDT
Didn't he go for a swim? Would wash it all off
Link Posted: 2/17/2017 3:55:07 PM EDT
Friend of mine who is a captain hated that movie. Stated that the captain was portrayed as the hero despite the fact that he caused all of it to happen to his crew.

Could have all been avoided if he has stayed off shore like he was suppose to.....
Link Posted: 2/17/2017 3:56:45 PM EDT
i don't believe ebola was a serious concern at the time.

aids is not as easily transmitted as you might think, so i doubt there would be a huge risk in those circumstances.  not that you could pay me to find out though.
Link Posted: 2/17/2017 3:58:21 PM EDT
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Friend of mine who is a captain hated that movie. Stated that the captain was portrayed as the hero despite the fact that he caused all of it to happen to his crew.

Could have all been avoided if he has stayed off shore like he was suppose to.....
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Look at me...

I'M de captain, now.
Link Posted: 2/17/2017 3:59:16 PM EDT
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Friend of mine who is a captain hated that movie. Stated that the captain was portrayed as the hero despite the fact that he caused all of it to happen to his crew.

Could have all been avoided if he has stayed off shore like he was suppose to.....
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This is the general sentiment in the industry. Phillips was also known as an asshole before the incident.
Link Posted: 2/17/2017 3:59:39 PM EDT
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Friend of mine who is a captain hated that movie. Stated that the captain was portrayed as the hero despite the fact that he caused all of it to happen to his crew.

Could have all been avoided if he has stayed off shore like he was suppose to.....
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Thought he was instructed to take that course by the shipping line to save bunker fuel and time
Link Posted: 2/17/2017 4:00:09 PM EDT
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Friend of mine who is a captain hated that movie. Stated that the captain was portrayed as the hero despite the fact that he caused all of it to happen to his crew.

Could have all been avoided if he has stayed off shore like he was suppose to.....
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I heard alot about that from friends in the industry, including one who had worked with him in the past at Maersk Line Ltd. Guys sounds like kind of a douche.
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