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Posted: 12/17/2010 3:56:48 PM EDT
I was told that I can't run a wireless router off of one of the ports on the router that I have my cable modem connected to.
I have cable coming into the house, then going to a router.  One of the ports of the router goes to a switch that I run a desktop off of, and the rest of the switch is used for a gaming console and for hooking a laptop to if I need a lot of speed.  
I wanted to hook a wireless router either to the router or the switch, and use the wireless router for running three netbooks and a laptop off of.
Is this not possible?  I had previously been told that it would be.
I was told today that the wireless router has to connect directly to the cable modem.  This would require getting a wireless reciever for my desktop and two gaming consoles for the kids.  I really do NOT want to do that.
Link Posted: 12/17/2010 4:02:09 PM EDT
You can its just not as straight forward. And the setup will vary depending on the combination of routers. Depends if you can disable NAT on the wireless and DHCP. If not the network addresses need to be different between the routers.

Link Posted: 12/17/2010 4:11:45 PM EDT
What you're looking for is a Bridge or AP (Access Point) mode. Basically this means that you configure the wireless router to be as dumb as it can be. No DNS services, no DHCP, (no NAT, as said above) just the radio and switch module.

Google on your router model number and either Access Point or Bridge / Bridging.


Why can't you just replace the wired router with your wireless router? Most wireless routers have wired ports on the back too.

What model routers do you have? Give us more detail and we can give you more detail back.

Link Posted: 12/18/2010 5:16:42 AM EDT
I didn't know about the wired ports on the back.  If that's the case, then I suppose my issue would be solved.
Just for more info, here's my equipment:
Motorolla cable modem:  SBV5220
Belkin 4 port cable gateway router: F5D5231-4
Netgear 5 port 10/100 switch: F5605 v3

Taking your suggestion of a router with ethernet ports, this is what I'm thinking about getting now.  Any reason not to use it?
Link Posted: 12/18/2010 5:29:34 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/18/2010 8:25:27 AM EDT
I have a Linksys Wired Router hooked to a cable modem with 2 desk tops running off of it.  I have a Lynksys wireless router (for a game console and a laptop) plugged into one of the regular ports of the wired router.

I believe I had to change some of the DHCP and subnet setting to get this to work.
Link Posted: 12/18/2010 12:27:32 PM EDT
I got a Belkin dual band N router.  
Hooked it up and used the ethernet ports for what I was using the gateway switch for.
Anything security wise I need to do?
Link Posted: 12/19/2010 5:40:29 AM EDT
Just make sure you have wireless security enabled - I think WPA2 is the current version.

If you have no nearby neighbors, this is not a hard and fast requirement. If you have neighbors close enough and you don't want them piggybacking on your connection, or if you're close enough to some public space where anyone could connect, security is recommended.
Link Posted: 12/19/2010 8:21:28 AM EDT
It's running WPA2.  I've picked up one or two other wireless networks that are close enough to detect, but I don't know where they are.  I have two neighbors withing a few hundred yards.
I'm really liking not having to get the cell modem out for my laptop and I don't have to listed to my kids yelling at each other about hooking up to one of the switches.  Should have done this a long time ago.
My wife gets her laptop Christmas morning (she doesn't know about it yet) so she's going to be happy to be able to access her work stuff away from the desktop.
Thanks for all the help.
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