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Posted: 1/30/2011 8:58:50 AM EDT
I have never used any illegal drug in my life.

I have been telling my children to never try these types of drugs,as one can get hooked the first time.

Is there any truth to what I told them?
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 9:00:26 AM EDT
You'll get hooked on anything after one time if you decide you like it and want to do it some more.
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 9:01:45 AM EDT
I've always heard heroine is addictive after the first taste.
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 9:02:34 AM EDT
I don't believe there is anything that builds physical addiction the first time you use it.

If you like the effects and decide to do it again, you may have already started the psychological addiction, and put yourself on the path to physical addiction.
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 9:03:07 AM EDT
I have never used any illegal drug in my life.

I have been telling my children to never try these types of drugs,as one can get hooked the first time.

Is there any truth to what I told them?

Both drugs dissolve straight across the nasal mucosa. They also bond with receptor sights already in the brain, dopamine receptors. Meth is far more dangerous than cocaine. But both are exceedingly addictive. One time usage could easily lead to addiction. People that say they are not know nothing of brain chemistry. I studied addiction in college as part  of my psychology major and biology concentration.
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 9:03:29 AM EDT
You'll get hooked on anything after one time if you decide you like it and want to do it some more.

This right here..

People like putting the blame elsewhere every time. Addiction only happens if you let it happen.

Link Posted: 1/30/2011 9:06:45 AM EDT
You'll get hooked on anything after one time if you decide you like it and want to do it some more.

This right here..

People like putting the blame elsewhere every time. Addiction only happens if you let it happen.

No, addiction is a chemical response in the body. Wanting help to over come it is one thing, but it is not always about weak vs strong. The smarter road is to never start at all.
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 9:09:43 AM EDT
i've never gotten addicted every time i've tried meth or coke
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 9:10:09 AM EDT
You'll get hooked on anything after one time if you decide you like it and want to do it some more.

This right here..

People like putting the blame elsewhere every time. Addiction only happens if you let it happen.

No, addiction is a chemical response in the body. Wanting help to over come it is one thing, but it is not always about weak vs strong. The smarter road is to never start at all.

Maybe in the case of heroin.. But I have tried a thing or few and it was one time each and I didn't get addicted to any of it. I don't even smoke or drink...

Maybe I don't have an addictive personality
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 9:14:36 AM EDT
I had a buddy that tried crack.

He never did it again.

It took him 20 years to kick cigarettes.
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 9:14:45 AM EDT
Depends how weak a person they are.
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 9:17:51 AM EDT
I don't believe there is anything that builds physical addiction the first time you use it.

If you like the effects and decide to do it again, you may have already started the psychological addiction, and put yourself on the path to physical addiction.

you would be wrong, meth can be physically addictive the first time you use it.
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 9:18:59 AM EDT
You'll get hooked on anything after one time if you decide you like it and want to do it some more.

This right here..

People like putting the blame elsewhere every time. Addiction only happens if you let it happen.

No, addiction is a chemical response in the body. Wanting help to over come it is one thing, but it is not always about weak vs strong. The smarter road is to never start at all.

For all that studying you don't know the difference between addiction and dependence.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 9:20:10 AM EDT
OP you thinking of trying them?
what i dont get is how people enjoy dipping/chewing tobacco
the first time you try it, it almost always results in getting very sick..
why would someone try it again if that happened?
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 9:20:11 AM EDT

Maybe in the case of heroin.. But I have tried a thing or few and it was one time each and I didn't get addicted to any of it. I don't even smoke or drink...

Maybe I don't have an addictive personality

Addiction runs in my family, severe issues with it. When I was younger, I tried coke and meth. No addiction. My brother has tried everything. Literally. No addiction to drugs. After doing an 8ball of meth a day for years, the day he decided to stop, he stopped.

He's been trying to quit cigarettes for 5 years. The people saying that if you do coke or meth once, you'll be addicted, are like the Atkins diet haters. They read something in a book and have zero real world experience with it and are usually flat wrong.
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 9:21:40 AM EDT
I don't believe there is anything that builds physical addiction the first time you use it.

If you like the effects and decide to do it again, you may have already started the psychological addiction, and put yourself on the path to physical addiction.

you would be wrong, meth can be physically addictive the first time you use it.

MAYBE, smoking it. I don't know a single person that has ever been addicted to it, I've seen people snort it for years and never develop an addiction.
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 9:22:25 AM EDT
I got hooked on math the first time I tried it in college.
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 9:23:39 AM EDT
Addiction takes time. Physically speaking I'm pretty sure the answer is no, you can't get addicted in one use, unless you characterize a hangover as addiction, which it isn't.

Unfortunately hard drugs are so pleasurable and diminish peoples ability to exercise good judgement to such a degree that experimentation is extremely dangerous, you like it too much to maintain moderation.

I think meth is far worse in that regard than coke, coke was used (often in less refined states) for centuries before it was criminalized, for all sorts of medicinal and recreational purposes... and from the writings of people from that period it seems to me it wasn't all that harmful or aggressively addictive.

Meth is a completely different animal IMO, a far more aggressive and destructive drug that only exists because it's easier/cheaper to make/get ahold of than coke.
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 9:24:35 AM EDT
Gonna shoot it up with a needle, or eat it?
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 9:24:44 AM EDT
It IS possible, but not everyone will. As some have posted, some drug users can walk away from it no problem, while others have to struggle day in and out to stay away from the stuff.

It is all about your mental and physical makeup...no two people are exactly alike.
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 9:26:12 AM EDT
No. One time is not enough to create a physical dependency, or even a psychological dependency.

That said, it's OK to lie to your kids to get them to keep from doing certain things, especially drugs.
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 9:27:47 AM EDT
No. One time is not enough to create a physical dependency, or even a psychological dependency.

That said, it's OK to lie to your kids to get them to keep from doing certain things, especially drugs.

No it's not. Because when your kids find out you lied, they'll be pissed, and won't believe the truths you told them. They'll think it's not bad at all and go start doing it.
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 9:29:21 AM EDT
One use? No, You can acquire a taste for it and decide to do it alot. But it takes many uses to gain an actual addiction to it.
Even Heroin takes many uses to get a physical addiction.
People that claim a first time use causing an addiction to anything are mistaking desire for the drug for addiction for a drug.
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 9:29:30 AM EDT
You are misinforming your children.  The lies that people have been told about drugs are a big reason people still get addicted to shit like meth.  When you hear the nonsense spouted off about wed or coke, then find out it is all BS, why believe people about harder drugs.  Casual use of coke without any addiction is not only possible, it is extremely common.

I don't know if meth is an immediate addiction drug, I doubt it since the vast majority of the stuff we are told about drugs is bullshit.

Coke definitely isn't.  I used to hang out with a lot of people who used coke.  I only know one person who screwed up their life from it and he was a classic addictive personality.  He was "addicted" to everything from weed and coke to gambling, caffeine, and porn.
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 9:30:54 AM EDT
You'll get hooked on anything after one time if you decide you like it and want to do it some more.

Could you get hooked on Carmen Electra rapping her boobs around your face one time?

Link Posted: 1/30/2011 9:33:21 AM EDT
I was addicted to cocaine for about a year a long time ago.  While you can't get addicted from trying it you certainly feel good and are likely to try it again since you don't feel addicted.  A little time goes by before you realize you are in fact addicted to it.

Tried meth once and I could see that drug snagging you up from day one.  It scared teh shit out of me how bad I wanted more when it wore off so I never touched the stuff again.

I have been drug free for years so no lectures on my past please.

Link Posted: 1/30/2011 9:34:11 AM EDT



No. One time is not enough to create a physical dependency, or even a psychological dependency.

That said, it's OK to lie to your kids to get them to keep from doing certain things, especially drugs.

No it's not. Because when your kids find out you lied, they'll be pissed, and won't believe the truths you told them. They'll think it's not bad at all and go start doing it.


My dad lied to me about all kinds of shit and I stayed away from all of it. Even when I got to the point where I knew better, I was still afraid to go anywhere near it. I knew that I had been lied to and I was still afraid of these different things, even though I knew my fear was irrational.

Fear and lies are powerful things.

Link Posted: 1/30/2011 9:34:18 AM EDT
Here is something to think about:

How many people who have tried cannabis, have ever completely given it up?  

This should answer your question in regards to illicit drugs.
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 9:36:21 AM EDT


Here is something to think about:

How many people who have tried cannabis, have ever completely given it up?  

This should answer your question in regards to illicit drugs.

I don't know about anyone else, but I haven't touched Marijuana in at least, AT LEAST 15 years.

Link Posted: 1/30/2011 9:37:47 AM EDT


Here is something to think about:

How many people who have tried cannabis, have ever completely given it up?  

This should answer your question in regards to illicit drugs.

I was high 24/7 for about 5 years straight in my youth.   I haven't touched the stuff in five years. never will touch it again.

Link Posted: 1/30/2011 9:38:11 AM EDT

Maybe in the case of heroin.. But I have tried a thing or few and it was one time each and I didn't get addicted to any of it. I don't even smoke or drink...

Maybe I don't have an addictive personality

Addiction runs in my family, severe issues with it. When I was younger, I tried coke and meth. No addiction. My brother has tried everything. Literally. No addiction to drugs. After doing an 8ball of meth a day for years, the day he decided to stop, he stopped.

He's been trying to quit cigarettes for 5 years. The people saying that if you do coke or meth once, you'll be addicted, are like the Atkins diet haters. They read something in a book and have zero real world experience with it and are usually flat wrong.

LOL at your logic. He was obviously addicted.

Anyone who does either of these drugs even once is a damned fool if there ever was one.
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 9:38:19 AM EDT
No. One time is not enough to create a physical dependency, or even a psychological dependency.

That said, it's OK to lie to your kids to get them to keep from doing certain things, especially drugs.

No it's not. Because when your kids find out you lied, they'll be pissed, and won't believe the truths you told them. They'll think it's not bad at all and go start doing it.

I agree with this. I knew a lot of sheltered kids growing up (private schools) who went completely off the deep end when they realized they'd been lied to about many things and then questioned ALL the guidance they'd gotten from the sources of those lies.

No better way to destroy what influence you're going to have with a teenager than to lie to them, and lumping all drugs together "reefer madness" style is one of the ways parents often create a "gateway" effect when it wouldn't otherwise exist..

Link Posted: 1/30/2011 9:39:05 AM EDT
Psychologically? Sure

Physically? Nope
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 9:40:06 AM EDT
Lying to your kids is never appropriate.  ALL solid relationships are built on trust.  Once you have shown yourself untrustworthy in one area, ALL other areas are suspect.

Kids learn by example, lie to them, they'll lie to you.
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 9:42:13 AM EDT
Yep.  From Everything that I have read, you Definitely can get hooked on it the First Time.

Impeach Obama for the Good of the Drug Users.
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 9:43:55 AM EDT

Lots of people get hooked on just one, single, try.

I have seen it numerous times before.
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 9:45:41 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 9:48:19 AM EDT
Treatment folks say it is the law of the thirds ( with crack, anyway ) , a third of the people who try it are addicted from the first puff, a third get addicted later down the road, a third can do it and never get addicted. Bad Russian roulette.
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 9:48:20 AM EDT

Maybe in the case of heroin.. But I have tried a thing or few and it was one time each and I didn't get addicted to any of it. I don't even smoke or drink...

Maybe I don't have an addictive personality

Addiction runs in my family, severe issues with it. When I was younger, I tried coke and meth. No addiction. My brother has tried everything. Literally. No addiction to drugs. After doing an 8ball of meth a day for years, the day he decided to stop, he stopped.

He's been trying to quit cigarettes for 5 years. The people saying that if you do coke or meth once, you'll be addicted, are like the Atkins diet haters. They read something in a book and have zero real world experience with it and are usually flat wrong.

LOL at your logic. He was obviously addicted.

Anyone who does either of these drugs even once is a damned fool if there ever was one.

Link Posted: 1/30/2011 9:48:32 AM EDT
Here is something to think about:

How many people who have tried cannabisbeer, have ever completely given it up?  

This should answer your question in regards to illicit drugs.

Link Posted: 1/30/2011 9:50:46 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 9:51:03 AM EDT
Continued use of something does not equal addiction.
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 9:52:28 AM EDT
I know a guy who smoked crack once.  
He said that when he took the first hit, the first thought he had was that he could not live the rest of his life without it.
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 9:52:31 AM EDT
I don't believe there is anything that builds physical addiction the first time you use it.

If you like the effects and decide to do it again, you may have already started the psychological addiction, and put yourself on the path to physical addiction.

you would be wrong, meth can be physically addictive the first time you use it.

MAYBE, smoking it. I don't know a single person that has ever been addicted to it, I've seen people snort it for years and never develop an addiction.

That sir is an oxymoron, smoked it for years and aren't addicted,,,,,

Link Posted: 1/30/2011 9:54:48 AM EDT
Simple answer is no you wont get addicted the first time you use. So no there is no truth to what you tell them.
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 9:56:01 AM EDT
Here is my take from years of interaction with a variety of people.


Coke make you feel like a new man,
The first thing a new man wants is more coke.
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 9:59:27 AM EDT


I had a buddy that tried crack.

He never did it again.

It took him 20 years to kick cigarettes.

Buddy of mine did the same thing. (minus the cigarettes).

Said he really, really enjoyed it and it was mentally pretty tough to not take another hit, but managed to make it a one time deal.

I have never tried coke, meth or heroin so I have no personal experience with them. Have lost quite a few friends over the years to addiction (mostly meth) so I would imagine it can take hold of people, especially addictive personality types with one use.

Personally, I think cigarettes are the most addictive out of all of em. I don't do drugs, have gone long periods of time without drinking and have even gone without caffeine for years. Cigarettes on the other hand.
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 10:01:28 AM EDT

Maybe in the case of heroin.. But I have tried a thing or few and it was one time each and I didn't get addicted to any of it. I don't even smoke or drink...

Maybe I don't have an addictive personality

Addiction runs in my family, severe issues with it. When I was younger, I tried coke and meth. No addiction. My brother has tried everything. Literally. No addiction to drugs. After doing an 8ball of meth a day for years, the day he decided to stop, he stopped.

He's been trying to quit cigarettes for 5 years. The people saying that if you do coke or meth once, you'll be addicted, are like the Atkins diet haters. They read something in a book and have zero real world experience with it and are usually flat wrong.

LOL at your logic. He was obviously addicted.

Anyone who does either of these drugs even once is a damned fool if there ever was one.

No, he liked it.HUGE difference. If he was addicted he wouldn't have been able to just stop without issue.
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 10:02:30 AM EDT

No. One time is not enough to create a physical dependency, or even a psychological dependency.

That said, it's OK to lie to your kids to get them to keep from doing certain things, especially drugs.

No it's not. Because when your kids find out you lied, they'll be pissed, and won't believe the truths you told them. They'll think it's not bad at all and go start doing it.


My dad lied to me about all kinds of shit and I stayed away from all of it. Even when I got to the point where I knew better, I was still afraid to go anywhere near it. I knew that I had been lied to and I was still afraid of these different things, even though I knew my fear was irrational.

Fear and lies are powerful things.

The lies don't sound like the issue here.
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 10:04:38 AM EDT
I don't believe there is anything that builds physical addiction the first time you use it.

If you like the effects and decide to do it again, you may have already started the psychological addiction, and put yourself on the path to physical addiction.

you would be wrong, meth can be physically addictive the first time you use it.

MAYBE, smoking it. I don't know a single person that has ever been addicted to it, I've seen people snort it for years and never develop an addiction.

That sir is an oxymoron, smoked it for years and aren't addicted,,,,,

I eat mexican food almost every day, and have for years. Does that mean I'm addicted?
Engage your brain. Use doesn't equal addiction.
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 10:14:37 AM EDT

The problem with lying to your kids about stuff like this is that if they'll eventually find out. Then everything you've told them is suspect.
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