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Posted: 3/13/2001 9:39:34 PM EDT
Can I transport some assault rifles through California while moving from Washington to Arizona?
What about loaded firearms?
A quantity of ammo?
Does anyone have any links to the RPLK of CAL laws, or can I get a reply from a CHP type?
Link Posted: 3/13/2001 9:58:43 PM EDT

more than likely NO! "AW's" cannot be imported into the state.

Firearms must be unloaded in a locked container that is separate from ammo.

No regulations on quantity of ammo - to a point, ie.. truckload!
Link Posted: 3/13/2001 11:01:13 PM EDT
Transportation of the rifle should be protected, if you are not moving [i]TO[/i] PRK.  Check this link in another thread.


Link Posted: 3/14/2001 6:00:34 AM EDT
Interstate Transportation of Firearms:


Link Posted: 3/18/2001 8:39:13 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/18/2001 9:50:20 AM EDT
Just a suggestion... but why take a chance getting hassled driving thru enemy territory (even if the law is on your side), when you can drive thru friendly territory instead? Example: WA-ID-UT-AZ

It's probably a longer drive, but more scenic and gives you piece of mind, and you can avoid running into any overzealous LEO's.

Link Posted: 3/18/2001 1:17:35 PM EDT

From the NRA link:

CALIFORNIA -- Travelers to California beware. Before entering the state, a California permit and registration may first need to be obtained for specified semi-automatic rifles, specified semi-automatic pistols, specified shotguns, and any other firearm which is an "assault weapon." Contact the California Dept. of Justice in Sacramento for additional infor-mation at (916) 227-3703.


Please stay out of California.  The Average IQ is low enough already with so many liberal democrats here.  

Link Posted: 3/19/2001 11:13:45 AM EDT

Please stay out of California.  The Average IQ is low enough already with so many liberal democrats here.  

View Quote

Excuse me????    Was that intended to be an insult?
Link Posted: 3/20/2001 10:01:11 PM EDT
No, not an insult.  It was a request backed up by a statement of fact.

The only "jack-booted" CHP officers ride motorcycles.  The boots are part of the uniform and are a safety item and really aren't "jackboots."  

Now...I just returned from the memorial service for a CHP Sergeant who was as pro-gun and anti-stupid-law as they come.  Most CHP officers share my late friend's pro-gun attitude, or at least see no problem with private gun ownership, and they know a stupid law when they see one.  They also have better things to do than hassle law-abiding citizens.

Your "jackbooted CHIPS" comment was a stupid, hateful and moronic thing to say.  As far as I am concerned, you can FOAD.
Link Posted: 3/21/2001 10:52:04 AM EDT
6Echo255 I am sorry to hear about your friend.

One of my best friends was murdered while doing a welfare check on a citizen nutcase wanna be marine. Mr. Sh*tbag had just found out he was not intelligent enough for the corp and decided to get drunk hide in his basement with his legal AR-15 7.62x39.
His girlfriend called in a welfare check.
My friends went to his res to make sure he was ok and he ambushed them from his hide. One of my friends was grazed in the head and shot through the arm while my other friend covered thier retreat. His only cover was a couch but he stayed in the fight knowing the other two officers did not have a chance without his cover.
My friend was hit several times during the gunfight his life was ended when a round penetrated his ballistic vest and perforated his heart. Mr. Sh*tbag then ended his own life.

I understand your anger when we get treated like the enemy.

If like circumstances would happen to some of the people posting on this forum maybe they would think before they type.

Oh yeah, one more thing there are plenty of LEO bashing forums out there, why not keep that trash there and lets stick to firearms here. Hows that for an idea?

Hunter out...

Link Posted: 3/21/2001 11:41:45 AM EDT
Grief and anger is no excuse to post personal insults & incite a flame war.

If I had been emailed in private regarding the offending statement, I would have given it a lot of thought, apologized and re-edit the statement to make it less offensive.

But when someone posts an insult directed at an INDIVIDUAL, and responds FURTHER with MORE insults... Well, two wrongs don't make a right...

BTW, FYI, I am NOT a LEO basher.  FWIW, many of my friends are NYPD and FBI.  I would have been among them many many years ago, but I went in a different direction.  I am NOT Pro-LEO, but I am not anti-LEO neither.
Link Posted: 3/21/2001 11:56:04 AM EDT
I love our Constitution!!!

Freedom of speach is important as our right to bear arms.

Seems that folks are more likely to handle thier firearms safely here then thier words.

In either case you have to live with what you say or do.

I know I will sleep well tonight.

Hunter out...
Link Posted: 3/21/2001 12:56:58 PM EDT

My condolences on the loss of your friend, too.  Good men, and women, as well as good friends are hard to find.

To NomadWarrior,

When you describe people you've never met, who have never acted as "jackbooted CHIPS", you sound just like a  hardcore militiadoof wannabee trying to impress your buds.  Your "jackbooted CHIPS" comment was, in fact, a stupid, hateful and moronic thing to say.  I stand by that statement.  

You said...
But when someone posts an insult directed at an INDIVIDUAL, and responds FURTHER with MORE insults... Well, two wrongs don't make a right...
View Quote

When you direct a comment at the members of my agency, you direct that comment at me.  You made the comment on a public forum.  You do not deserve and should not expect a private response.  You ARE a LEO-basher.  You publicly bashed the largest state law enforcement agency with the best record of public safety and service in the country and now you are whining because someone called you on it.  

As for the "FOAD" comment, if you were to leave this world tomorrow, I would not mourn your passing.  
Link Posted: 3/21/2001 2:56:28 PM EDT
Some pretty spiteful & hateful venom being flung around here...  Nonetheless, I most probably deserved it.

That was a very stupid callous mindless statement I posted.  I have no excuse other than my IQ is probably low enough to bring the avg IQ in CA lower than it is.

My apologies to the members of the CHP.
Link Posted: 3/21/2001 4:55:52 PM EDT
I don't know about CA but don't count on the federal protection on interstate transportation of firearms in NY. In NY transporting unregistered handguns through NYS is illegal. If you posses five or more unregistered handguns it is presumptive evidence of intent to sell which elevates the charge.

You will be arrested, your firearms will be confiscated and you may end up in the local jail until you see a judge.

You may end up getting the charges dismissed eventually but by then you will have spent many thousands of dollars on attorney's fees and related expenses.

State LE agencies enforce state and local laws. For the most part they are NOT familiar with federal laws or don't give a rats ass about them. That is not their job.
Link Posted: 3/21/2001 11:06:05 PM EDT
Hey all you lawyers out there...

Doesn't interstate transportation of firearms fall under Federal law, which pre-empts local state law???

So if you are driving through CA on out-of-state tags, registration, and license, isn't it obvious that you are transporting your firearm interstate?

Aren't you then protected by any federal fireamrs transportation laws, as opposed to local CA laws?

Any real legal insight would be helpful to this discussion.
Link Posted: 3/22/2001 10:32:54 AM EDT
Quick and dirty!

States can not pass a law that violates federal law.

States can pass laws that that meet federal law and are stricter.


Federal law says you can not own or possess a blue ball point pen.

State law says you can not own or possess ANY ball point pens.

Hunter out...
Link Posted: 3/22/2001 4:08:37 PM EDT

§178.38 Transportation of firearms.

[b]Notwithstanding any other provision of any law or any rule or regulation of a State or any
political subdivision thereof[/b], any person who is not otherwise prohibited by this chapter from transporting, shipping, or receiving a firearm shall be entitled to transport a firearm for any lawful purpose from any place where such person may lawfully possess and carry such firearm to any other place where such person may lawfully possess and carry such firearm if, during such transportation the firearm is unloaded, and neither the firearm nor any ammunition being transported is readily accessible or is directly accessible from the passenger compartment of such transporting vehicle: Provided, That in the case of a vehicle without a compartment separate from the driver's compartment the firearm or ammunition shall be contained in a locked container other than the glove compartment or console.

[T.D. ATF-270, 53 FR 10494, Mar. 31, 1988]
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