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Posted: 4/12/2001 1:31:01 AM EDT
Warning about the "E-Mail" page on the CaDOJ website.

I was going to ask the CaDOJ about registration confirmations through their so-called "E-Mail" page (http://caag.state.ca.us/firearms/mailpage.htm); however, it dawned on me that they would receive my IP address--just like Ed can see our IP addresses when we post on this board. I realized that the DOJ would then be able to trace my IP address to my ISP and eventually to me.

Of course it really doesn't matter since I submitted my registration form with all my personal info, but say you asked them a question by this method and divulged the fact that you own unregistered assault weapons.  

Call me paranoid, but I forsee the following scenario, "Thank you Mr. X for letting us know you own illegal weapons please turn them in or else... Also, we know where you live 'cause we traced your IP addy to your ISP, and they gave us your home address."

BTW Ed, please torch the AR15.com forum server should the ATF ever come to try and confiscate it.


Link Posted: 4/12/2001 4:46:12 PM EDT
Call me paranoid too.

I have two accounts.

1 pay and the other free.

Use the free one(such as NetZero) in conjunction with your alias Yahoo email account to send queries to the DOJ.

I don't think DOJ can trace you unless NetZero is in on it and traces your original call.

I didn't even download NetZero from my own computer for fear of a DOJ/NetZero trace.

Never use real personal info when you don't have to.
Link Posted: 4/12/2001 4:48:44 PM EDT
I put a firewall in when I got DSL...I was AMAZED how many different computer 'attack/ping' MY computer all day and all nite......

I bet they can trace you guys no matter HOW you log in............IF they wanna.....

Link Posted: 4/13/2001 6:26:45 AM EDT
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