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Posted: 4/3/2001 1:57:33 PM EDT
If they go passed their time limit I thought  we we're entitled to a refund? I think I remember reading that in a post on the AW regestration laws. Does anyone have a link to this info. I can't seem to find it on the DOJ site.
If this is the case all should try for a refund and at least take that money away from them.
Thanks in advance.
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 2:08:05 PM EDT
You won't get squat, even if it is written into the law that you are entitled to one. None of the people who mistakenly registered NON-"assault weapons" like handguns and shotguns in 1989 ever got a refund, nor were their records removed from the system even when this was stated right on the registration forms. I do not understand why the kalifornia doj expects people to obey the law when they will not even do it themselves.
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 2:18:59 PM EDT
Thanks for the reply Imbroglio. I'm really getting ticked now. You know what, I had a strange but nice dream last night that I got a hold of a nice lower and put it in a safe so I could discretely build up another AR. [sleep]
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