Anyone have one of these?
Looks pretty great, though not super cheap. Basically it's a camera, in an ammo can, with a power source and data transmission system. It broadcasts via wifi signal to your smartphone/ipad, so you can see your target on that common device. Supposedly it'll even see where the shot hit, and blink that location for you. All of which sounds great, but I suspect the wifi is the weak link. They claim 300 yards of range, but I'm assuming that's under perfect conditions while holding your phone above your head and sticking out your tongue. The basic 300 yard range unit is $350. Which isn't that unreasonable, considering the package they are putting together. They also have a 1 mile range unit, for almost $700. Which... man, it's all the same stuff, but an extra $300 or so to upgrade the data transmission system?
My interest is more in 600 yards. And so I'm wondering, I think they sell wifi repeaters. Has anyone tried just coupling one of those half way to the target, with the $350 unit?