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Posted: 8/23/2006 11:17:46 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/23/2006 12:01:33 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/23/2006 12:05:39 PM EDT
That's called "training".
Link Posted: 8/23/2006 12:07:49 PM EDT

Miriam Miguel Ramirez, 31, made the trip a family event, with seven of her sisters and cousins from the state of Mexico.

"It was heavy," she said. "It changes your image of the immigrants, of the courage they have. It made you think about a lot of things."

No, it doesn't.
Link Posted: 8/23/2006 12:07:52 PM EDT
Well unless they have a shitload of US Military folks and choppers and ground-based radar and other sensor arrays, its just not very realistic.
Link Posted: 8/23/2006 12:09:48 PM EDT
"As craven as the advertising sounds, the organizers say they are trying to build empathy for migrants by putting people in their shoes. "

Yeah,they are the victims.

Sheesh,wonder how long before that happens on this side of the border.There are enough whackos here that side with the ILLEGALS afterall.

Maybe they can use air conditioned shuttle buses to bring them over in the future.

Link Posted: 8/23/2006 12:15:48 PM EDT
Build the wall...........
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