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Link Posted: 6/21/2011 5:27:02 AM EDT
I Think that your next project should be digging and blasting a tunnel to walmart. This way-no traffic!
Link Posted: 6/21/2011 5:29:30 AM EDT
"Then I went inside quickly and poured myself a cup of coffee and put the rest of the pot into a thermos and went back outside and sat on the wall to wait."

LOL... I think that line appears in most of your blog posts.
Link Posted: 6/21/2011 5:30:51 AM EDT
You are violating the "never invite the man into your life" rule.
Link Posted: 6/21/2011 5:33:16 AM EDT
well written and refreshing. fun times!
Link Posted: 6/21/2011 5:33:40 AM EDT
Wait, did I miss the "kids in the chipper-shredder" post?
Off to the archives...
Link Posted: 6/21/2011 5:36:14 AM EDT
well written and refreshing. fun times!

Link Posted: 6/21/2011 7:49:55 AM EDT
"I'm cutting a detonating wire. See them Bangalore torpedoes sitting against the wall next to the garage door? It's time for my annual brush clearance in the back yard. I'm tired of bustin' ass down there so I'm just gonna blow 'em all."

Pic, you've discovered what I discovered many, many years ago: When dealing with difficult people, bullshit is FAR more effective than the truth.

"Truth is stranger than fiction, 'cause fiction has to make sense!" –– Rod Machado.
Link Posted: 6/21/2011 9:13:15 AM EDT
"I'm cutting a detonating wire. See them Bangalore torpedoes sitting against the wall next to the garage door? It's time for my annual brush clearance in the back yard. I'm tired of bustin' ass down there so I'm just gonna blow 'em all."

Pic, you've discovered what I discovered many, many years ago: When dealing with difficult people, bullshit is FAR more effective than the truth.

"Truth is stranger than fiction, 'cause fiction has to make sense!" –– Rod Machado.

If I search around I might have one cherry bomb left. Probably not, but maybe. If I do, I will be hard pressed not to carank it off in the back yard as he takes his walk tomorrow.

Fire in the hole!!!

BOOM! (stopwatch clicks on to see how effective response time REALLY is.)

Link Posted: 6/21/2011 2:18:15 PM EDT
Pic: IM incoming re. cherry bomb!
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