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Posted: 12/17/2016 9:10:12 PM EDT
But, apparently, a bumper-sticker with "All Lives Matter" was removed for being offensive.

My GF is getting this from FB, but here's the Bing search link to stories all about it - and she found the actual shirts on Walmart using google. https://www.bing.com/search?q=black+lives+matter+walmart&go=Search&qs=n&form=QBRE&sp=-1&pq=black+lives+matter+walmart&sc=3-26&sk=&cvid=46C63711B62B4601B7015081828E5B14

One more reason to say FUCK YOU! to Walmart.
Link Posted: 12/17/2016 9:13:36 PM EDT
Meh, third party vendor using Walmart.com.
Link Posted: 12/17/2016 9:16:36 PM EDT
BLM=domestic terrorist
Link Posted: 12/17/2016 9:17:28 PM EDT
Meh, today in our little central Florida town some dude has set up a tent in the parking lot of the local tractor supply and is selling Trump stuff......Tshirts, flags, stickers, hats, anything that says Trump on it is selling.  

In before the law suits.....but this guy gets it.  MAGA.

Walmart is going to get crushed this next 8years.
Link Posted: 12/17/2016 9:18:35 PM EDT
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Meh, third party vendor using Walmart.com.
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Shit is retarded and at one time, you could buy a mug that said so.

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Link Posted: 12/17/2016 9:37:21 PM EDT
"A little about Old Glory’s portfolio is to learn that it is extremely diverse, with them selling products like Grateful Dead t-shirts, ugly Christmas sweaters, and My Little Pony hoodies. The company also sells “All Lives Matter” products, “Blue Lives Matter” products, and “Black Lives Also Matter” products. "
Read more at http://www.business2community.com/us-news/walmart-hot-water-black-lives-matter-bulletproof-t-shirts-sold-online-01734744#d6TsIums8OX0xihw.99
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