This group sounds like it is trying to pull the same crap attempted a few years ago by the AFA (American Firearms Association).
The difference this time is that there is a sugar daddy willing to finance the propaganda campaign of hate.
Mogul gives gun-control issue a
shot in the arm
Many advocates critical of efforts
By Juliet Eilperin
The Washington Post
April 29, 2001
WASHINGTON Last summer, Andrew McKelvey decided he knew how
to break the impasse in the gun-control debate: Acknowledge Americans'
right to own guns, but say that these rights come with responsibilities.
If he had been an ordinary gadfly, McKelvey might have gone unnoticed.
But as the owner of, the job search Web site, the billionaire
New York businessman used his wealth to position himself at the center
of the gun-control movement--and to emerge as its dominant force.
The ascent of his advocacy group, Americans for Gun Safety, has
transformed the national debate over guns. McKelvey's supporters hail
him as a potential savior who can attract a broader constituency to the
gun-control cause.
But many longtime advocates of tougher gun-control laws charge that his
endorsement of gun ownership is dooming the gun-control movement by
watering down its message.
No one questions McKelvey's influence. His group's $3 million
advertising campaign in Colorado and Oregon helped propel to victory in
November ballot initiatives seeking background checks at gun shows. His
staff is now helping craft a new gun show proposal on the federal level
that Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Joseph Lieberman (D-Conn.) plan
to unveil within a matter of weeks.
A political novice, McKelvey, 66, used his personal fortune to assemble
a formidable political network that gave him access to policymakers and
made his organization a critical contributor to state gun-control groups.
He also hired top officials from the Clinton administration and Republican
congressional aides.
McKelvey says his group is simply being pragmatic. "I try to work on
things in which we can have some results," he says.