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Actually did not know that. However being an actor or scientist is usually a dead give away someone is a lib.
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Actually, he's an actor and a failed comedian. In no way a scientist. Playing "scientist" is his shtick.
Actually did not know that. However being an actor or scientist is usually a dead give away someone is a lib.
Show business will ruin you if you're not a leftist, it becomes very hard to get work. The same goes for many scientists because the universities and other places they tend to work are similarly controlled by leftist faggots who will set out destroy you personally and professionally at the drop of a hat if they find out you don't belong to their cult.
The left is very, very good at maintaining ideological purity in any organization it controls, they have a strong in group preference and will maliciously attack their perceived enemies over essentially nothing. If the people on the right are to survive they need to learn that the left hates them and wants them destroyed, up to and including killing them. If the left thought they could do it without danger they'd have done it already.
And just like the Muslims, while it'd be a relatively small number of them doing the actual killing, the bulk of them would support it.