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Posted: 5/13/2004 5:26:56 PM EDT
These birds have built nests accross the road in the light towers.  After a better look at them trough the binocs and some research on the net I found out they are Osprey.  The adult males have a wing span of 54-60 inches.  Here are a few pictures that I took.

Here is a few from the net.

I wish I had a huge zoom lens like this to take cool close up shots.
Canon 600mm

Or this: Canon 1200mm
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 5:35:52 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 5:38:11 PM EDT
Those northern pike will eat every other game fish in that pond when they get big enough.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 5:40:01 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 5:40:08 PM EDT
I was watching these two the other day on and off while I was trying to photo them.  In about a 8hr span they brought back to the nest 6 fish from the river.  I think they have little ones in the two nests.  I am guessing they get about 6-8 fish a day each depending on the size of the fish.  
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 5:43:04 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 6:04:41 PM EDT
We had a minor-league baseball player here in Daytona Beach nail a nesting one a while back.  Poor thing died a couple weeks afterwards.  I don't think that dude is playing for the DB Cubs anymore.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 6:05:22 PM EDT
Beautiful birds. Being as everywhere around me is pretty much water, we have quite a few of them around. We often watch them from our kayks while fishing. Birds of prey are cool.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 6:08:21 PM EDT
Very distinctive sound that you hear frequently on the Potomac.  Somehow soothing to watch them.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 6:13:07 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 6:13:45 PM EDT

Beautiful birds. Being as everywhere around me is pretty much water, we have quite a few of them around. We often watch them from our kayks while fishing. Birds of prey are cool.

But I just cannot believe that the osprey is nearly as cool as the Florida Scrub Jay:

Link Posted: 5/13/2004 7:26:38 PM EDT

I'll take two.

The 600mm lens is way to much also.  More affordable at $5,000 but still to expensive.  

I'd rather spend the money on guns.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 7:38:27 PM EDT
In 2000 we watched an Osprey nest all summer that was built on a power pole next to the Duwamish River at the Boeing Development Center.  I believe there were  4 chicks.  The male spent most of his time when he wasn't fishing, sitting on a stand pipe about 60 to 100 yards north of the nest.  both parents took turns bringin food, but I don't recall the male spending more time at the nest than required to dump off the latest fish.

I think I have seen one or two at most in Missouri.  Cool birds.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 7:44:18 PM EDT
My girlfriends parents pond has several Northerns in it.  There used to be huge numbers of bluegills and bass in the pond.  Not anymore!  We had restock the pond last year.  That was fun.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 7:48:46 PM EDT


Those northern pike will eat every other game fish in that pond when they get big enough.

The fish man says once they are grown they do not need a great deal of feed, so become fairly lazy and not voracious at all.  I put several in my pond too.  They are REALLY exciting to watch "strike"--they rush at their prey and water just FLIES everywhere in a great spray.  

So they're eating everything in the pond?
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 7:51:59 PM EDT


Those northern pike will eat every other game fish in that pond when they get big enough.

The fish man says once they are grown they do not need a great deal of feed, so become fairly lazy and not voracious at all.  I put several in my pond too.  They are REALLY exciting to watch "strike"--they rush at their prey and water just FLIES everywhere in a great spray.  

The fish man sounds like he is full of fish!!!!  Northern pikes clean out any body of water they are living in, they are top of the freshwater food chain when they are in with bass, catfish, and bluegills.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 7:56:48 PM EDT
Better reinforce your roof in preparation for the likely event that one crashes...
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 8:00:58 PM EDT
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