Lot of talk and speculation on an import ban on ammo, parts and guns. If you subscribe to the theory, then some view it as tinfoil hattery. If you don't subcribe to it, well, you might be caught with your pants down. I made a decision to wear my tinfoil hat. I had an Bushmaster AR and a Yugo M70 underfolder. I truly liked both guns. And I had a modest ammo supply for both but wanted larger supply for both. I knew that stockpiling 7.62x39 and .223 would be cost prohibitive for me. I also believe that the Kenyan will sign yet another EO, this one banning imports. This has weighed heavily on me since the election. With the belief that this ban is imminent and much reluctance, I made the decision to sell the Yugo and concentrate on buying more .223. I have an empty feeling inside now, but I know that I made the right decision for me. Damn the Kenyan.