Quoted: I have stocks and real estate, but would like to invest in something else. What else can yield a 5+ percent annual growth on my money?
Antique cars?
Uranium? |
Long term or Short term? What's your risk factor? Load or No-load? How much do you have for an initial investment? Are you willing to pay taxes on the dividends or are you looking for a shelter? Guns, Antique cars, Uranium? WTF? If your looking for off the shelf investments buy Canadian Maple Leafs. If your willing to risk your stash play penny stocks. Go to the library and check out a dozen books or so. wishyaluck! |
Exactly. There's lot of shit out there, probably 100+ different things we could name.
For a random pick, buy some discount notes. Or tax liens. Both can yield 10%+ pretty easily, but you need to know what you are doing and need to be proactive.
I once made 6,000% on my money in 24 hours on an investment I had maybe 10 minutes of time in. What are you good at? What do you know?