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Posted: 5/12/2003 9:54:03 AM EDT
[center][size=5][b]ERROR 404[/b][/size=5]

Yes, those lying, imperialistic dogs have lied to you again. They have told you that would would find /error2.php here but we do not have such a file.
That file is not even within 100 miles of this website. That file is committing suicide because it has been shamed and Allah will roast its stomach in hell.

Look around. Do you see the file they claimed was here? No! But we will be sending so many files to them that their weak and stupid browsers will scream for our mercy. And we will show those browsers no mercy whatsoever. We will show no mercy because those browsers who sent you looking for the file deserve no mercy. [/center]
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 10:15:22 AM EDT
Well, if Bob says it, it must be true.
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