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Posted: 5/11/2004 2:40:40 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 2:44:22 PM EDT
I hear ya.

Sorry for your losses. A sad day indeed.
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 2:44:55 PM EDT
Been there man. I feel for you. As far as I'm concerned, your companion is in a better place and will be waiting to lick your face and nuzzle you when you get there yourself. Dispair not, this life is but a single act in an eternal play.
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 2:45:05 PM EDT

I can only offer my sympathy.
I am at a loss to say more.
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 2:51:14 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 2:59:20 PM EDT
You have my condolences, Gary.

Link Posted: 5/11/2004 3:03:50 PM EDT
I know what you are going through. Its been almost 3 years and I really miss my dog and think of him every day.
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 3:06:08 PM EDT
I dont post here often, but I do a lot of reading.  Your post just about made me tear up.  Sorry for your loss.
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 3:08:17 PM EDT
Deepest condolences Gary.
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 3:08:20 PM EDT
I have a mini schnauzer also, she is 6 years old, just so you know, she is spoiled rotten.  She is the queen of the household, she has 4 other dogs under her, a black lab (stupid as a post) and three bull mastiffs (Not nice dogs, working protection dogs).

None of them screw with her.

You did ok by him, you stood by him, while you didn't take care of it yourself, you were with him when it happened.  My sympathy is with you.
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 3:17:25 PM EDT
BigTime Bummer!, .....personally, I'd rather have a dog as you describe around than most people.
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 3:25:00 PM EDT
Im sorry man, I have a miniature schnauzer to. Take it easy bud..
here is my best bud, his name is little guy.
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 3:46:36 PM EDT
My condolences. Losing your best friend is harsh, been there myself.

I truly believe he will be waiting on the other side.
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 4:02:20 PM EDT
Holy shit Shawn, I had no idea what you have been through in the last months. Sandy and I think of you often. I just told her of this post and our hearts dropped. You have nothing to feel badly about over your beloved pup. You did what most of us who truely love our pets would do. We all hope for the best end for our pets and at time hold on longer than we should hopeing for improvement. Your pup knew you better than any of us, but from what I know you are the most well rounded man I know. You are compasionate when needed, hard when necessary, a peacekeeper, a warrior. I'm proud to know you and I'm sure your pup understands your pain. Be sure your Son has a companion that will show your Son the loyalty he showed you. I share your tears.....
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 4:50:14 PM EDT
The older I get the more I dislike people and love dogs. Sorry about your loss I understand.
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 5:03:30 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 5:09:13 PM EDT
I've been in your shoes, brother, for both kinds of losses. My heart goes out to you and your family. The pain never really goes away but it does dull over time. Hang in there.
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 5:13:23 PM EDT
Sorry for your loss Shawn.
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 5:14:17 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 5:15:12 PM EDT
sorry, dude.
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 5:15:38 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 5:19:58 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 5:22:31 PM EDT
Sorry to hear that Shawn.
Losing a friend is hard.
Take care.
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 5:26:32 PM EDT
I am so sorry about your baby and your dog.  

My thoughts are with you.
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 8:55:09 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 9:05:49 PM EDT

Very sorry to hear that mon.

Link Posted: 5/11/2004 9:09:25 PM EDT
Sorry to hear about your buddy, Shawn...  
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 9:41:46 PM EDT
This was posted awhile back I believe.  When I saw it, I copied and saved it....

A Dog's Prayer

Treat me kindly, my beloved master for no heart in all the world
is more grateful for kindness
than the loving heart of me.

Do not break my spirit with a stick,
for though I should lick your hand between blows,
your patience and understanding
will more quickly teach me the things you would have me do.
Speak to me often, for your voice is the world's sweetest music,
as you must know by the fierce wagging of my tail when
your footstep falls upon my waiting ear.

When it is cold and wet, please take me inside....
for I am now a domesticated animal. No longer used to bitter elements...
and I ask no greater glory than the privilege of sitting
at your feet beside the hearth...
though had you no home in all the land...for you are my god...
and I am your devoted worshipper.

Keep my pan filled with fresh water, for although
I should not reproach you were it dry,
I cannot tell you when I suffer thirst.

Feed me clean food, that I may stay well to romp and play
and do your bidding, to walk by you side,
and stand ready, willing and able to protect you with my life,
should your life be in danger.

And beloved master, should the Great Master see fit
to deprive me of my health or sight, do not turn me away from you.
Rather, hold me gently in your arms as skilled hands
grant me the merciful boon of eternal rest...
and I will leave you knowing with the last breath I draw,
my fate was ever safest in your hands.

-Author Unknown
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 9:45:41 PM EDT
Very tough experience to go through. Unfortunately for me, I had to put down my last dog in June 2003. She was an English Springer Spaniel named Mamie we got at 6 weeks old & she was only a month away from 11 years old. She just couldn't get up anymore. She had trouble for a few months before but when she couldn't get up to eat her food that day I knew it was time. Driving that dog down to the vet to be put to sleep was one of the hardest things I ever did. We had about a week with no dog around & it was incredibly quiet. You don't realize how much you are paying attention to the dog subconsciously even when you don't think you are. We had her cremated & still have the ashes. In late June 2003 we decided to get another Springer Spaniel to replace her - named her Hazel. She's just about a year now & about full grown. Here's a pic of her when she was a pup.

Once you have had some time to grieve, think about getting another dog. It's true it'll never replace the one you had... but you build new memories & it helps with the pain. I wouldn't know what to do without mine.
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 5:47:13 AM EDT
Sorry about your loss.

I hope you waste no time and get another dog soon.
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 5:55:46 AM EDT
"You say dogs won't be in heaven??  They will be there long before you and I."

Our sincerest condolences for your loss.
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 5:59:43 AM EDT
Sorry to hear of your ordeal.  I too have a miniature schnauzer (11 yrs old) and I'm dreading having to do the same one day.  Dogs are great and you don't realize how much they really mean to you until you no longer have them.  There's no doubt he'll be waiting for you in heaven.

Link Posted: 5/12/2004 6:08:31 AM EDT
choking back tears bro, stay strong.
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 6:42:19 AM EDT

I just had a visual of a young lad and a puppy sitting on a rock by a stream waiting for their 'daddy'.

God bless!
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 6:57:51 AM EDT
You have my condolences sir.  I need to go home now and pet my pups.
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 7:12:02 AM EDT
Sorry to hear about your loss Shawn. You did the right thing with your buddy.
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 7:14:53 AM EDT
BEEN THERE.......Sorry Pal.  
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