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Posted: 10/7/2005 3:52:06 PM EDT
The cancer stick that is.

I made it about 6 weeks before I caved.

Oh well. Back to pissing off the non-smokers...
Link Posted: 10/7/2005 3:55:21 PM EDT
After six weeks I find it hard to believe that you caved to cravings.
Did you make a conscious decision to start smoking again?
Link Posted: 10/7/2005 3:55:55 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/7/2005 4:01:46 PM EDT

After six weeks I find it hard to believe that you caved to cravings.
Did you make a conscious decision to start smoking again?

No, it was more a vicious craving. Not the kind of craving where you want a cig, But the kind of craving where you wake up from a dead sleep in a cold sweat and cannot live without a cigarette that lasted for better than an hour before I caved.

Talkin to the my doc about zyban on Tuesday.

I quit because I was pissed off about the smoking policy they were working on at work. When I ran outta spite, I ran out of the desire to quit.

I know I have to quit. But I LOVE TO SMOKE.
Link Posted: 10/7/2005 4:02:16 PM EDT
Sorry to hear that.
Link Posted: 10/7/2005 4:02:36 PM EDT
The physical addiction to nicotine is broken after 72 hours. That's how long it takes the nicotine to completely work it's way out of your system.

I had quit for over a year until this past May.
Link Posted: 10/7/2005 4:08:43 PM EDT


After six weeks I find it hard to believe that you caved to cravings.
Did you make a conscious decision to start smoking again?

No, it was more a vicious craving. Not the kind of craving where you want a cig, But the kind of craving where you wake up from a dead sleep in a cold sweat and cannot live without a cigarette that lasted for better than an hour before I caved.

Talkin to the my doc about zyban on Tuesday.

I quit because I was pissed off about the smoking policy they were working on at work. When I ran outta spite, I ran out of the desire to quit.

I know I have to quit. But I LOVE TO SMOKE.

Sorry to hear that.
Good luck on the next try.
Link Posted: 10/7/2005 4:12:27 PM EDT

The physical addiction to nicotine is broken after 72 hours. That's how long it takes the nicotine to completely work it's way out of your system.

I had quit for over a year until this past May.

Yeah--I went the patch route. 6 weeks is the drop to the 7mg patches. But the good news is that instead of 2 and a half packs of Camel filters a day, I'm down to about a half pack of ultra-lights.

Link Posted: 10/7/2005 4:16:12 PM EDT

I quit for ten weeks ten years ago. After a month I told my bride I wanted to resume smoking. She said "Hang in there. Give it a little longer". After ten weeks I said I was going to start again. She said OK with no hesitation. I was a bitch with balls. Even my daughters were more comfortable with me smoking than putting up with my bad nicotine-free attitude.

Hopefully someday we both can kick the habit but I'm not counting on it.

Others: please don't flame (no pun intended) me or try to analyze why I love smoking.
Link Posted: 10/7/2005 4:42:43 PM EDT


I quit for ten weeks ten years ago. After a month I told my bride I wanted to resume smoking. She said "Hang in there. Give it a little longer". After ten weeks I said I was going to start again. She said OK with no hesitation. I was a bitch with balls. Even my daughters were more comfortable with me smoking than putting up with my bad nicotine-free attitude.

Hopefully someday we both can kick the habit but I'm not counting on it.

Others: please don't flame (no pun intended) me or try to analyze why I love smoking.

Yeah, that's me. I tend to border on asshole anyway, and the lack of nicotine was tipping the scales towards outright surly...I was gonna tough it out until the waking up sweating thing.

Link Posted: 10/7/2005 4:43:39 PM EDT

The cancer stick that is.

I made it about 6 weeks before I caved.

Oh well. Back to pissing off the non-smokers...

Link Posted: 10/7/2005 4:46:26 PM EDT


The cancer stick that is.

I made it about 6 weeks before I caved.

Oh well. Back to pissing off the non-smokers...


Hey, nobody likes a quitter!
Link Posted: 10/7/2005 4:57:04 PM EDT



The cancer stick that is.

I made it about 6 weeks before I caved.

Oh well. Back to pissing off the non-smokers...


Hey, nobody likes a quitter!

damn it, you had to say it didn't you, i was going to automatically say that without reading everything but decide to read it all.

But yes, nobody likes a quitter
Link Posted: 10/7/2005 5:06:54 PM EDT
Maybe you should just use Copenhagen snuff instead. You can chew where you can't smoke & spitting in their trash cans & on the ground will be way worse for them than breathing a little second hand smoke.
Link Posted: 10/7/2005 5:11:58 PM EDT

Maybe you should just use Copenhagen snuff instead. You can chew where you can't smoke & spitting in their trash cans & on the ground will be way worse for them than breathing a little second hand smoke.

Nah, chew is fuggin nasty! Ten minutes in the open air, and you can't tell someone was smoking, but a puddle of peach scented spit is fucking NASTY! Besides, I'd rather lose a lung than my lower jaw..
Link Posted: 10/7/2005 7:37:18 PM EDT

The physical addiction to nicotine is broken after 72 hours. That's how long it takes the nicotine to completely work it's way out of your system.

If it were just an addiction I think I would have successfully quit long ago. For me its more the habit than the addiction part. Waiting for meal at a restaraunt, cigarette, finish a meal, cigarette, drink a beer, cigarette, get in the car cigarette... etc etc etc  I have tried to quit before and never noticed any of the typical physical symtpoms of withdrawal, shaking, iritibality, etc but just can't stop wanting one at certain times where I normally would have one.
Link Posted: 10/7/2005 9:13:53 PM EDT
Welcome back to the smoke cloud....LOL  
Link Posted: 10/7/2005 9:18:07 PM EDT
Don't sweat it. Your master is nicotene, bow to him.

Some people just can't die quick enough.  They run headlong towards a beaconing death.
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 7:24:55 AM EDT

Don't sweat it. Your master is nicotene, bow to him.

Some people just can't die quick enough.  They run headlong towards a beaconing death.

I think you mean beckoning...

I ride a motorcycle too.....
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 7:31:27 AM EDT


Don't sweat it. Your master is nicotene, bow to him.

Some people just can't die quick enough.  They run headlong towards a beaconing death.

I think you mean beckoning...

I ride a motorcycle too.....

Main Entry: beck·on
Pronunciation: 'be-k&n
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): beck·oned; beck·on·ing
Etymology: Middle English beknen, from Old English bIecnan, from bEacen sign -- more at BEACON
intransitive senses
1 : to summon or signal typically with a wave or nod
2 : to appear inviting : ATTRACT
transitive senses : to beckon to
- beckon noun

Good catch smokeboy!
Now go celebrate with a coffin nail.
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 7:50:26 AM EDT
Just say no.
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