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Posted: 12/2/2010 12:15:32 PM EDT
Man, what is going on with European politicians these days?  This is great!

Link Posted: 12/2/2010 12:33:21 PM EDT
This is a warning.. Europeans are finally coming out from under the smoke and haze of political correctness.

The Austrians, the Dutch, and many others are starting to stand up to the insanity of Islam and its lapdogs and proponents.

This speech would have been unheard of 20 years ago.

Geert Wilders and this Austrian are going to be the vanguard of a new Europe that rejects the balkanization of its lands into islamic mini states.

France.. I cant wait to see the war that will erupt there... because it is inevitable and due to French incompetence will be utterly brutal and savage.
Link Posted: 12/2/2010 12:35:23 PM EDT
I wish i could see the passion and the fire this man speaks with here in the states in more than a few of our representatives. I like the fact that he is not pulling any punches.

Edited for clarity

Link Posted: 12/2/2010 12:41:46 PM EDT

I wish we had reps like that! This man speaks the truth.

Link Posted: 12/2/2010 12:47:57 PM EDT
WOW, that was harsh.

Link Posted: 12/2/2010 12:49:01 PM EDT
Hell yeah!  The Turks were a huge problem in my home town in Bavaria.  There was definitely no love lost between young Germans and those aholes.  I'm glad to see that the era of appeasement and integration might be coming to an abrupt end.

As an aside, I miss hearing that dialect.  My family is from Austria, later what was the Sudetenland, and most recently Bavaria (Oberallgäu).  I loved hearing them speak.  And, although German is my first language, after 20 years living in the States I've pretty much lost most of my ability to speak in those dialects.  However, it still sounds wonderful to my ears.
Link Posted: 12/2/2010 12:50:25 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/2/2010 12:52:54 PM EDT

Europeans are finally coming out from under the smoke and haze of political correctness.

I would like to see this brutal honesty in our Congress and Senate.  When are our elected officials going to stop playing the game?

Link Posted: 12/2/2010 12:53:23 PM EDT
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Link Posted: 12/2/2010 12:54:30 PM EDT

Link Posted: 12/2/2010 1:01:11 PM EDT
There is absolutely no one in American politics that has the balls to speak the truth like that.


Link Posted: 12/2/2010 1:02:51 PM EDT
Good post

Link Posted: 12/2/2010 1:03:43 PM EDT
Who'd have thought that euro-politicos would have more backbone than a large percentage of our "leaders"?
Link Posted: 12/2/2010 1:03:55 PM EDT
turks... Murdering Christians for over 100 years.

Link Posted: 12/2/2010 1:05:31 PM EDT
Hell yeah!  The Turks were a huge problem in my home town in Bavaria.  There was definitely no love lost between young Germans and those aholes.  I'm glad to see that the era of appeasement and integration might be coming to an abrupt end.

As an aside, I miss hearing that dialect.  My family is from Austria, later what was the Sudetenland, and most recently Bavaria (Oberallgäu).  I loved hearing them speak.  And, although German is my first language, after 20 years living in the States I've pretty much lost most of my ability to speak in those dialects.  However, it still sounds wonderful to my ears.

Was that translation 100% correct? I speak a little bit of German and some of it didnt sound right to me. I dont speak an Austrian dialect so that could be an issue too.
Link Posted: 12/2/2010 1:09:38 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/2/2010 1:18:16 PM EDT
Wow, even WE didnt say it as straight as that..
Link Posted: 12/2/2010 1:19:42 PM EDT
Forceful, eloquent and to the point, without a teleprompter.

He is an excellent impromptu speaker.

We want politicians like him!!!!
Link Posted: 12/2/2010 1:34:26 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/2/2010 1:34:37 PM EDT
Let's find the dude who printed Ojabbo's birth cert- get one for this guy and run him for President!!!
Link Posted: 12/2/2010 1:39:49 PM EDT
Wow! A strong german speaking leader. "Tolerance babble." Damn right. He'll probably be murdered now... some staged "accident" like happened to Haider.

Anyway, he told it like it is. Turks are intolerant of anyone else in their own homeland (Kurds, Armenians, Bulgars, christians); murder non-turkish non-muslims at a rate far higher than Europeans would even look wrong at a Turk; and often make demands of European countries to accommodate their people living there, that would be against Turkish law if the reverse were true.

The Turks have been moving west from central Asia for a long time and did a real number on what is modern Turkey today. They dominated more than half the Balkans and converted many christians, leaving us with the conflicts we have today. But it wasn't until the war whipped Germans decided to open their country to immigration as a way to atone for the Nazi era, that the Turks got into the heart of Europe.

How about just fix your own country? For those that don't know, if Turkey gets into the E.U. the (broke) Europeans will have to give them a bucketload of money and let all 70 million Turks immigrate if they feel like it. Bad deal!

Link Posted: 12/2/2010 1:41:57 PM EDT
turks... Murdering Christians for over 100 years.


A lot longer than a century, as a matter of fact...

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seige_of_Vienna (since we're talking about Austria...)
Link Posted: 12/2/2010 1:46:33 PM EDT



turks... Murdering Christians for over 100 years.


A lot longer than a century, as a matter of fact...

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seige_of_Vienna (since we're talking about Austria...)

Had a Turkish coworker shipping overseas who asked how to spell Austria-I told him if his ancestors had been better motivated it'd be spelled W-e-s-t  T-u-r-k-e-y.

Link Posted: 12/2/2010 1:51:40 PM EDT
I liked that.  That guy has more spine and balls then all our politicans combined.  Some day America will  find its backbone, hopefully.
Link Posted: 12/2/2010 1:54:07 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/2/2010 2:02:34 PM EDT
"So Mr. Ambassador, get on the orient express, and go back to Istanbul!"

Link Posted: 12/2/2010 2:24:40 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/2/2010 2:29:37 PM EDT


This is a warning.. Europeans are finally coming out from under the smoke and haze of political correctness.

The Austrians, the Dutch, and many others are starting to stand up to the insanity of Islam and its lapdogs and proponents.

This speech would have been unheard of 20 years ago.

Geert Wilders and this Austrian are going to be the vanguard of a new Europe that rejects the balkanization of its lands into islamic mini states.

France.. I cant wait to see the war that will erupt there... because it is inevitable and due to French incompetence will be utterly brutal and savage.

Too late I think. At least if the relative birth-rates/population growth between European peoples and Muslims are as presented in this piece.


Link Posted: 12/2/2010 2:39:21 PM EDT


Tag for home

Link Posted: 12/2/2010 2:39:30 PM EDT
Holy fuck

Link Posted: 12/2/2010 2:47:34 PM EDT
There is absolutely no one in American politics that has the balls to speak the truth like that.


Sad but true.....
Link Posted: 12/2/2010 2:48:18 PM EDT
Forceful, eloquent and to the point, without a teleprompter.

He is an excellent impromptu speaker.

We want politicians like him!!!!

Nothing like a good, angry extemporaneous speaker with an Austrian accent and forceful hand gestures to get the crowd fired up....  

oh shit, nevermind.
Link Posted: 12/2/2010 2:53:41 PM EDT
turks... Murdering Christians for over 100 1000 years.

Fixed that for you. The Turks came damn close to taking Vienna - another one if those crucial contests that decided the fate of Europe (and our fate).

Link Posted: 12/2/2010 2:55:27 PM EDT
I say we vote him in in 2012.. Sounds like he should give classes on how to not be a pussy..
Link Posted: 12/2/2010 3:01:10 PM EDT
Between that, and a few other outspoken folks.  I can almost smell a war coming.  
Link Posted: 12/2/2010 3:06:19 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/2/2010 3:10:29 PM EDT
. But it wasn't until the war whipped Germans decided to open their country to immigration as a way to atone for the Nazi era, that the Turks got into the heart of Europe.

You have no idea what you are talking about.

I though the war-whipped Germans were trying to atone for the fact that 2/3 of a generation of men was killed in Russia (and assorted other fine locals) and they were short on workers, then later they decided to stop having kids and were still short on workers...
Link Posted: 12/2/2010 3:10:44 PM EDT
They dont put up with one tenth the shit from Turkey we do from Mexico and this guy is pissed. Imagine if he was the senator from Arizona or Texas..
Link Posted: 12/2/2010 3:14:55 PM EDT
Right freakin on!
Link Posted: 12/2/2010 3:15:26 PM EDT
. But it wasn't until the war whipped Germans decided to open their country to immigration as a way to atone for the Nazi era, that the Turks got into the heart of Europe.

You have no idea what you are talking about.

Please elaborate for the betterment of the discussion?
Link Posted: 12/2/2010 3:16:14 PM EDT
Clear, articulate and laser focus response...........very refreshing.

Someone contact Hawaii and get him a US birth certificate so he can run in 2012.
Link Posted: 12/2/2010 3:17:37 PM EDT
I give the man praise.
Link Posted: 12/2/2010 3:19:07 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/2/2010 3:21:00 PM EDT
I liked that.  That guy has more spine and balls then all our politicans combined.  Some day America will  find its backbone, hopefully.

Link Posted: 12/2/2010 3:28:18 PM EDT
. But it wasn't until the war whipped Germans decided to open their country to immigration as a way to atone for the Nazi era, that the Turks got into the heart of Europe.

You have no idea what you are talking about.

We see things differently; that is my opinion of the underlying meaning of this migration. While "guest workers" were brought in when their economy started to need more workers (like France, etc.) it was never going to be temporary (as claimed).  When they no longer needed them... they were stuck with them. West Germany was always rather weak when it came to saying "no" to the United States during that time. That can happen when you have come out of a devastating war with a divided country and foreign military bases across it. They also went through a period a couple decades after the war where they started to reexamine the nazi era and who participated in it (with anti-racism/anti-xenophobia education leading to acceptance of multiculturalism). The immigration they have had coincides with these new views and overly tolerant (this time) socialist political parties ("family reunification", citizenship, etc. for non-Germans).


The large-scale of immigration of Turkish workers from the beginning of the 1960s was on the one hand, due to the high population growth and mass unemployment within Turkey, and on the other, due to the demand for labour in north-west Europe.[21] West Germany, like other Western European nations, began to experience a labour shortage by the mid-1950s.[22] Recruitment of workers from Mediterranean countries was one easy solution to this problem.[23] In 1961, the construction of the Berlin Wall exacerbated West Germany’s labour crisis by restricting the flow of immigrants from East Germany. Turkey at the same time experienced unemployment. The Turkish State asked Germany to recruit Turkish Gastarbeiter. Theodor Blank, Secretary of State for Employment, was opposed to such agreements. He held the opinion that the cultural gap between Germany and Turkey would be too big and also held the opinion that Germany needed no further laborers, because there were enough unemployed people living in the poorer regions of Germany who could take these jobs. The USA  however, put some political pressure on Germany. It wanted to stabilize Turkey. The German Department of Foreign Affairs carried on the negotiations after this and in 1961 an agreement was reached.[24][25]  Pressure from German employers in 1962 and 1963 played a key role in ending the two-year limit on the period for which Turkish workers were permitted to stay in West Germany.
Link Posted: 12/2/2010 4:01:01 PM EDT
. But it wasn't until the war whipped Germans decided to open their country to immigration as a way to atone for the Nazi era, that the Turks got into the heart of Europe.

You have no idea what you are talking about.

Please elaborate for the betterment of the discussion?

He needn't bother (I've seen him say the same thing to many others). He could spell it out but prefers to know something you don't in that self important way some teachers have. Probably thinks I forgot about the two month siege of Vienna (which I haven't... in fact I have a copy of Europa Universalis up on my table at the moment).
Link Posted: 12/2/2010 4:11:07 PM EDT
turks... Murdering Christians for over 100 years.


100 years?  

BTW, Turkey was the cradel of Christianity.  Most of St Paul's Letters were addressed to communities in Turkey.
Link Posted: 12/2/2010 4:12:49 PM EDT
turks... Murdering Christians for over 100 years.


100 years?  

BTW, Turkey was the cradel of Christianity.  Most of St Paul's Letters were addressed to communities in Turkey.

St. Paul died 503 years before Mohammed was born...when Turkey was Roman...
Link Posted: 12/2/2010 4:16:55 PM EDT
turks... Murdering Christians for over 100 years.


100 years?  

BTW, Turkey was the cradel of Christianity.  Most of St Paul's Letters were addressed to communities in Turkey.

St. Paul lived 503 years before Mohammed was born...when Turkey was Roman...

Yeah, and the Muslims eventually destroyed all of those communities during their conquest of Asia Minor.

Islam has been at war with Christianity since its very birth.  They have never been peaceful.
Link Posted: 12/2/2010 4:17:53 PM EDT

Yeah, and the Muslims eventually destroyed all of those communities during their conquest of Asia Minor.

Islam has been at war with Christianity since its very birth.  They have never been peaceful.

Good point. I didn't see where you were going with the St. Paul thing.
Link Posted: 12/2/2010 4:18:40 PM EDT
I'm waiting for obama to apologize to the offended muslims for this man's careless and rash words.
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