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Posted: 8/13/2007 3:10:40 PM EDT
The front portion of my house is 1400 square feet living, with a 500 square foot den/living room added onto the rear.  The rear section has cathedral ceiling which is walled off from the main attic, although the roof is connected.

On the front portion of the house, it has gable vents on both sides.  There are no ridge vents or powered ventilation fans.  It only has those metal turbine things that spin.  I was talking with a friend's husband about it and he told me that I needed to toss some power fans up there to keep the house from heat soaking during the day.

I went to Lowe's and saw that they had two different sizes,  1200 cubic feet and 2000 cubic feet.

Now the question is this:  

Should I get 2 x 1200 or 1 x 2000?
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 3:17:21 PM EDT
The turbines are fine if you have them in the right place
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 3:19:32 PM EDT
Assuming the 2000's fit I cannot see any cons to moving more air if that is your overall aim anyways.

Buy two 2000.
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 3:20:18 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 10:54:46 AM EDT
So.....2 x 1200 or 1 x 2000?
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 10:56:09 AM EDT
2 x 1200
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 11:05:03 AM EDT
I bought the 2100sq ft model.  Don't have it installed yet.  I would imagine one would be plenty for what you are doing as it seems similar to my house design also.

Link Posted: 8/14/2007 11:06:30 AM EDT
if you got to vent fans, would you install them both blowing out or one blowing in and the other blowing out?  this is assuming you dont have soffet vents.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 11:09:20 AM EDT

if you got to vent fans, would you install them both blowing out or one blowing in and the other blowing out?  this is assuming you dont have soffet vents.

As long as air can get into your attic from elsewhere, have them both blow out.  The goal is to VENT the hot air, thus drawing in more cooler air.  

I see you edited your post...  If you have no other venting, install some.  You can even leave the attic access open if it is in a garage.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 11:32:26 AM EDT
southlak9cop: I installed one of those in my house.  I have 2 of those attic gable fans, but I think you will only need one.  Installed it myself.  Installed it very early in the morning so that it is the coolest part of the day, it gets real hot in the attic real fast.  Take 2 flashlight s with you in case you drop yours and you won't be SOL.

I have a 2 speed thermostatic control on mine, but I also have a positve on/off switch so that I can switch it off at night not to disturb the neigbhors.  My fan has run and shuts off 1-2am in the morining.

The fan is fairly loud inside the house, it has a rumbling like sound.

With the fan working, I don't have to turn on the AC until about 3-4pm, or so.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 4:46:35 PM EDT
A local home improvement store sells solar powered vents.

That makes them easier to install w/o having to tap house current.

They throw less air than most of the powered vents.

But hey, once they are up there, they should cost nothing to run, ever.
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