How in the hell do you flip a pancake?
Last night, I was all bombed, and decided to make pancakes.
So I greased the pan (oil), and mixed the batter.
I poured the batter in the pan, and waited for the bottom to get done. I grabbed the spatula and tried to flip it, but the damn thing started breaking up like the space staion MIR hitting the atmosphere.
So I tried using my fingers to turn it over, but they just got burned to hell.
I figured that I could do what I see the chefs on TV do, and use the pan to flip it.
So I grabbed the handle, and proceeded to launch pancake fragments all over my new clean kitchen. Microwave, oven, fridge, ceiling, walls... Pancake goobers everywhere.
I cleaned the god-forsaken mess up (My kitchen is now permanantly painted the color of "Pancake"), and set the mess back doen on the stove; but I forgot to turn it off, so the smoke detector started hollering, and I went in the kitchen, only to find 3 foot high flames shooting out of the damn pan.
So I hucked it in the front yard, where it sits to this very minute.
Please dear god in heaven, please someone tell me HOW TO FLIP A F**KING PANCAKE!!?!?!?!?!
(Eduhted bekuz eye kant spel)