Several people on this thread have said it correctly, the NYS law mirrors the Federal one without the automatic sunset provision. Here is the relevant language straight from the "Sponsor's Memo" which defines the intent of the law.
S8234 PADAVAN (Assualt Weapons Ban)
STATUS: Passed (see page 20 for Sponsor’s memo indicating “intent” of this law)
SUMMARY OF PROVISIONS: (from Sponsor's Memo, this is the important part)
§ 265.00. Subdivision 21 defines "semiautomatic." Subdivision 22 defines an "assault weapon" as meaning a named list of federally barred firearms and semiautomatic rifles, shotguns or pistols that possess at least two specified characteristics, including features such as a fold-ing or telescoping stock, a bayonet mount, a flash suppressor or a silencer. The term expressly excludes rifles and shotguns that cannot accept a detachable magazine holding more than five rounds and weapons as manufactured on October 1, 1993 which are set forth in a listing under federal law. Subdivision 23 defines the term "large capacity ammunition feeding device" to mean a magazine or similar device manufac-tured after September 13, 1994 which has the capacity to accept more than ten rounds of ammunition, but does not include a tubular device which only accepts .22 caliber ammunition. [red]The definition of "assault weapon" and "large capacity ammunition feeding device" mirrors federal law and is not intended to prohibit possession of any weapon that is not prohibited under federal law.[/red]
Now all this doesn't mean that some SOB DA can't try and interpret something else from this POS, but it should give them pause. All it means it that we're not YET the PRNY. But hey, give Chuck and Hillary a chance. I'm sure they will try and come through for the elite, and with Republicans like Pataki and Bruno, they might just succeed.
Democrats: THREAT or MENACE? You choose.