This is an excerpt from an article published by a (freshman, is also gay, for context the student is white) student in our local highschool.
Kaepernick’s position as an NFL player provides a powerful platform from which he can influence the American people. Every week, millions of Americans watch Sunday night football. Using this position to promote equality is a logical step for black athletes.
To white Americans, who have constantly lived in a bubble of privilege, the idea of an athlete speaking out on social issues is alien and unnecessary. The extensive public hate he has received demonstrates the very racial inequity he is fighting. White athlete Ryan Lochte, 32 years old, was widely seen as “just a kid” after urinating on a business’s floor and lying about being attacked to cover up damages he and his fellow athletes were responsible for while representing the United States in the 2016 Olympics, yet Kaepernick is called “unpatriotic” for trying to start a serious conversation about racial inequality.
Within 24 hours of the first protest, #veteransforkaepernick was trending on twitter. The very veterans that he is allegedly disrespecting are supporting him in exercising the rights they fought to protect.
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