My Marketing 111 class has meddlesome American socialist, Government as meddlesome back seat drivers types.
The question was. "Should government have a greater role in determining price?"
I end up seeing this kind of junk from a freakin' business student!
"When a company begins to become a “monopoly” (you know who I’m talking about) the government should step in. It’s not right for one major company to control all the prices of a particular service or product. This wouldn’t leave any room for smaller companies in the same field to complete. With other companies offering the same product or service that will bring down prices. Customers should at least have a choice of whom they will buy products from. It shouldn’t be just one major company. When the government does this they make sure there is a level playing field."
She's referring to Microsoft. I came down on them thus-
"If you're talking about Microsoft, Why should the government "step in", and take their money, or break up their company? You act as though Macitosh, Linux, Apache and BeOS didn't exist! Microsoft has done NOTHING except create a product which sits on the shelf with competing products. If Microsoft sells more of their software, why exactly does this make them evil?
All people have the choice to use any software in the world, Microsoft sells more, because people prefer their product.
Look at it this way-this is an almost exact analogy.
If you made better muffins than anyone else, and sold them, people would buy your muffins and no one else's. You'd make a lot of money, and other muffin makers would be losing money because your muffins are delicious. Now WHY should the government step in at this point and say "Your muffins are better than everyone else's, and it's unfair to other muffinmakers whose muffins aren't as good as yours. Therefore, we're going to force you to put salt in your muffins and give the other mufffinmakers your recipies, to be "fair" to them."
right now I can buy any software I want. what would be different if the Fed takes away Micrsoft's money, or breaks up their company. Why is it people have such a hard time with the fact that some people are going to go out of business if they don't do as good a job or better than their competitors??
If my software is crummy, and Microsoft's isn't, why should I go running to the Feds to beat up Microsoft to save my company which doesn't make software as well as Microsoft's? We say THIS is a level playing field? When companies become "too" sucessful, we should beat them down?
This is a BUSINESS course, if anyone should understand the frivolousness of the antimonopoly stance, it should be business students. You can't run a company or a business on socialism.
I would really enjoy reading your reply to this, any attempt on your part to defend your position on detroying success in this way(also known as armed robbery) should be quite interesting to read, to say the least."
Now everyone's mad at me for wanting to be so meeeeeeean....
I am sick of these people!