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Posted: 2/19/2001 9:57:03 AM EDT
Found this on www.theonion.com

'Army Of One' Campaign Attracting Troubled Loners To Military
WASHINGTON, DC--The Army's new "Army Of One" campaign is attracting millions of troubled loners, recruitment officials said Monday. "Historically, Army enlistees are creepy, antisocial drifters," said Sgt. Glenn Decinces of the Army's Recruitment Office. "After years of trying to attract stable, achievement-oriented young patriots with the slogan 'Be All You Can Be,' we finally gave up and decided to consciously go after the freakos we've always drawn."

I also heard G. Gordon today talk about how different the Army is today compared to when he was in. The "warrior" is out and the "peacekeeper" is in. The warriors are moving to the Marines Corps according to Liddy.

Link Posted: 2/19/2001 10:21:58 AM EDT
Ya gotta love "The Onion" - unless you don't recognize or appreciate their brand of humor.

As far as the Army becoming a bunch of peacekeepers, and the Marines remaining the true warriors, at first blush, maybe that's not such a bad thing.

Really. The world needs peacekeepers (aka "sitting ducks") I mean, providing opposing armies with target practice is such a noble calling. Running pell-mell over Sadddams army was no fun. Anti-climatic, really. Kinda like the Pro Bowl.

Don't we want SOMEONE to put up a good fight?? Admit it. The best way to help other countries militaries to catch up to us is to provide them with live fire training exercises, using (you guessed it) OUR "peacekeepers."

And think about the defintion of the term
"peacekeeper." Its so full of irony. Once enuf US "peacekeepers" are killed on these FUBAR "missions," there will be NO WAY the US will ever go to war again, as public opinion will always be shaped by video clips of dead "peacekeepers." Hence, the peace is "kept."


Somebody's gotta answer for 59,000 names on a wall. May they burn in hell.
Link Posted: 2/19/2001 10:38:41 AM EDT
"The Wall" is a tough one to vist. Of all the monuments that I have been to, the wall touched me the most.
Link Posted: 2/19/2001 10:41:20 AM EDT
I am not a nam vet but I think that wall would be real tough to visit.
Link Posted: 2/19/2001 10:47:29 AM EDT
Has anyone seen the Vietnam Memorial that goes around to different city's? It is supposed to be in my neck of the woods next month. I am going to take my family to see it and honor our fallen heroes.
Link Posted: 2/19/2001 11:05:38 AM EDT
The Wall??? Been there.

The one thing that stuck out to me was that, while you could easily take a picture of it, there's no way you could ever capture it on film.

Oh, you could fit it in the camera frame, but you could no more take an adequate picture of it than you could add up the lost potential of 59,000 American lives.

And believe me, I tried to photograph it. Different angles, different perspectives, varying foregrounds and backdrops. It was as if in person you could see and feel the humanity there, but the film only captured granite, grass, blue sky, shadows and sunlight.

Its a spiritual experience - something beyond words, beyond full comprehension. A complex web of emotion - sadness, pride, anger, patriotism, and a lust for vengeance. Someone needs to take responsibility here. If God doesn't make them pay, then He'll have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.

I guess you come away from The Wall changed. A better person, yet robbed of some of your innocence. And resolved to never let it happen again. Not the resolve of the pacifist or the peace-nik, but the resolve that never again would your countrymen die in vain. Some things are worth dying for. But when you can look at a wall of 59,000 names, and not have a good reason "Why," then you know you've got to do better next time.
Link Posted: 2/19/2001 11:32:46 AM EDT
Lessons learned from Vietnam...Look no further than the Gulf War.

The Commanders of the Gulf War were the pawns in Vietnam.
Link Posted: 2/19/2001 12:01:12 PM EDT
........ and today we continue to pour millions of your tax dollars into the Balkans while US troops play traffic cop for NATO...Nice picture, huh?..... My life.....as NATO's bitch..  [v]  Army of NONE
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