Provoking them and trolling them, and making them foam at the mouth incoherently with rage is better. It's not as if you're going to change their minds in a format like the Internet, where their beliefs are part of their group identity and are constantly reaffirmed by an echo-chamber that outweighs your one lone dissenting voice a thousand fold. You're only ever going to change minds one on one, if you take them shooting etc. and they realize, in a visceral hands-on sense that a gun is just a tool, not really more energetic than other things you handle every day, like cars or whatever, and not some magic death ray.
So instead, just flat out saying, "The occasional dead kid or school shooting is worth my rights. And you don't like "gun violence"? Well, quit working to ban them, because if you're ever successful, you'll get more "gun violence" from us than you can handle." is more appropriate.
The best you can hope to do is reduce their quality of life with fear or anger.