1. Do you regularly rely on mass transit (bus, train, subway, commercial plane, shuttles, etc)?
Often (daily) = 5pts
Occasionally (weekly) = 3 pts
Hardly ever (every few months) = 1 pt
Very rarely or never (once a year or less) = 0pts
2. Do you live in multi-family housing (apartment, attached condo, etc.)
Yes = 2 pts
No = 0 pts
3. Do you receive any kind of direct assistance from the government (welfare, loans, scholarship, social security, subsidies, etc.)?
Substantial amount = 5 pts
Some = 3 pts
Very small amount = 1 pt
None = 0pts
4. What is your registered political affiliation?
Republican = 2pts
Democrat = 5pts
Libertarian = 0pts
Constitution = 0pts
Green = 6pts
Socialist = 7 pts
No political party = 1 pt
5. Do you cheat on your income taxes?
Yes, a lot = 0 pt
Yes, as much as I think I can get away with = 1pt
Yes, a little bit though I could do more = 3 pts
No = 5 pts
6. You're at an intersection facing a red light. It's been red for two minutes. Except for you you can't see any other car for over half a mile in any direction. Another minute goes by. Still no cars and still no indication it's getting ready to turn green for you. Do you run the red light?
Yes = 0pts
No = 4 pts
7. Do you know the name of each of your Senators and your Congressional Representative?
Yes, all three = 0pts
Yes, just two of them = 2pts
Yes, just one of them = 4pts
No = 5 pts
8. Have you ever written, emailed or called any of your Federal elected officials regarding pending legislation?
Yes = 0pts
No = 3 pts
9. Have you ever partipated in a public protest against the government while openly armed?
Yes = subtract 6 pts
No = 3 pts
10. If a law is passed banning posession of any firearm that you currently own, WOULD you publically protest that law while openly armed with that firearm?
Yes = 0 pts
Yes, but unarmed = 2 pt
No = 5 pts
No, I don't own any firearms = 7 pts
Less than 5 means that you're on more than your fair share of gov't lists.
6-10 means that you have a distinctive "wooly" odor.
11-15 means that you are definitely becoming part of the herd.
16-20 means that you're almost ready to be sheared
Over 20 means that lonely farmer Bob has already marked you with his "special" branding iron.