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Posted: 1/27/2009 6:27:47 AM EDT
I think its a great book; even as im 30, its still full of so many important life lessons.
I will read / make my kids read it; it may be a little hippy, but i will follow it up with magpul's dvd.
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 6:29:20 AM EDT
one of my favorites
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 6:33:12 AM EDT
Never read it, never even seen it.
I am currently reading my 6 year old daughter "Charlotte's Web," though.  I'd forgotten what a great book that is.  Kinda made me choked up when Charlotte dies...
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 6:40:27 AM EDT
Never read it, never even seen it.
I am currently reading my 6 year old daughter "Charlotte's Web," though.  I'd forgotten what a great book that is.  Kinda made me choked up when Charlotte dies...

It's a really great book about this boy and the tree.

As the boy grows, he wants things and the tree gives itself to him to fulfill these wants.

Over time, there is nothing left of the tree but a stump.

The lesson is, there is no "endless supply" of free shit.  Everything costs.
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 6:42:24 AM EDT
I was sad to hear my wife never hear of the book.

My daughters will read it when they are old enough
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 6:43:27 AM EDT
Yes.  Read it many times to my daughter in the past year.  Good book for kids
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 6:43:42 AM EDT
My daughters are 17 and almost 20 - I don't read to them anymore!
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 6:46:52 AM EDT
I don't know what the hell you're talking about.
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 7:29:54 AM EDT
I can't read the fucking thing out loud w/o choking up  a little but we do have it.
I'll have my 2nd grader read it tonight. Don't dare look at the guy who wrote it and then
try to sleep. I think it's got a few differnt messages but the one for kids is don't keep coming to the well with nothing to give back. SS
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 7:30:18 AM EDT
That book makes me sad.
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 7:34:56 AM EDT
Yes, it's a classic.
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 7:36:57 AM EDT
Never read it, never even seen it.
I am currently reading my 6 year old daughter "Charlotte's Web," though.  I'd forgotten what a great book that is.  Kinda made me choked up when Charlotte dies...

It's a really great book about this boy and the tree.

As the boy grows, he wants things and the tree gives itself to him to fulfill these wants.

Over time, there is nothing left of the tree but a stump.

The lesson is, there is no "endless supply" of free shit.  Everything costs.

There are many lessons in that book although that's not really one I ever took away from it.
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