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Posted: 6/30/2015 8:55:04 AM EDT
This is a good read, and makes a lot of good points;

Are Key Republican Leaders in D.C. Being Blackmailed?

Are key Republican leaders in D.C. from the Senate, House and Supreme Court being blackmailed? Tell me you haven’t thought the exact same thing? Something is very wrong. Something smells rotten in DC. Rotten like a dead fish left at the front door of a Congressmen’s office by the Obama Crime Family. Rotten like a photo of a Supreme Court Justice with his robe down at his ankles.

Because what’s happening just isn’t normal. Please tell me how it’s possible that President Obama and his socialist cabal suffered the most massive and historic defeat in modern political history only 9 months ago- and since then they’ve gotten everything they’ve ever wanted handed to them on a silver platter. Does that make sense to you?

How’s it possible that the GOP- the party that won in a massive historic landslide gained nothing and won nothing? Not one victory. Zero. Zilch. Or in a language Democrats understand “Nada.”

It’s time to start asking the question. It’s time to be cynical. It’s time to assume the worst of this government. Was Supreme Court Justice Roberts blackmailed or intimidated? I would put nothing by this administration that lives and rules by the Chicago thug playbook.

Justice Roberts voting for Obamacare twice is as likely as me voting to save Obamacare. Like me, Justice Roberts is a lifelong dedicated conservative warrior. He was born to kill Obamacare. He was appointed by President Bush to become the key conservative vote to block “the fundamental transformation of America.”

All it would take to block any attempt to stop or stall Obama's agenda is blackmail against a few key Republicans in positions of power- like Boehner, McConnell and Justice Roberts. Find out the weak link of a key political leader or government official and hold it over their heads.

What makes anyone think the government and it’s 3-letter agencies (IRS, NSA, DOJ, FBI, SEC) don’t know everything bad about everyone in key positions in DC? What makes you think that blackmail isn’t happening every day to conservative politicians- except it’s the government doing the blackmailing?
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There is absolutely something going on, and if these "few key Republicans" and SCOTUS members are indeed being blackmailed and have any integrity, any love for country, the guts and morality to put the welfare millions of Americans above their own selfish desires to protect their indiscretions they would come clean about the whole thing and bring the devil out in the open for all to see.

Unfortunately it appears we have elected/appointed very small, selfish, weak willed men to those key positions.
Link Posted: 6/30/2015 8:57:17 AM EDT
This is a good read, and makes a lot of good points;

Are Key Republican Leaders in D.C. Being Blackmailed?

Are key Republican leaders in D.C. from the Senate, House and Supreme Court being blackmailed? Tell me you haven’t thought the exact same thing? Something is very wrong. Something smells rotten in DC. Rotten like a dead fish left at the front door of a Congressmen’s office by the Obama Crime Family. Rotten like a photo of a Supreme Court Justice with his robe down at his ankles.

Because what’s happening just isn’t normal. Please tell me how it’s possible that President Obama and his socialist cabal suffered the most massive and historic defeat in modern political history only 9 months ago- and since then they’ve gotten everything they’ve ever wanted handed to them on a silver platter. Does that make sense to you?

How’s it possible that the GOP- the party that won in a massive historic landslide gained nothing and won nothing? Not one victory. Zero. Zilch. Or in a language Democrats understand “Nada.”

It’s time to start asking the question. It’s time to be cynical. It’s time to assume the worst of this government. Was Supreme Court Justice Roberts blackmailed or intimidated? I would put nothing by this administration that lives and rules by the Chicago thug playbook.

Justice Roberts voting for Obamacare twice is as likely as me voting to save Obamacare. Like me, Justice Roberts is a lifelong dedicated conservative warrior. He was born to kill Obamacare. He was appointed by President Bush to become the key conservative vote to block “the fundamental transformation of America.”

All it would take to block any attempt to stop or stall Obama's agenda is blackmail against a few key Republicans in positions of power- like Boehner, McConnell and Justice Roberts. Find out the weak link of a key political leader or government official and hold it over their heads.

What makes anyone think the government and it’s 3-letter agencies (IRS, NSA, DOJ, FBI, SEC) don’t know everything bad about everyone in key positions in DC? What makes you think that blackmail isn’t happening every day to conservative politicians- except it’s the government doing the blackmailing?
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There is absolutely something going on, and if these "few key Republicans" and SCOTUS members are indeed being blackmailed and have any integrity, any love for country, the guts and morality to put the welfare millions of Americans above their own selfish desires to protect their indiscretions they would come clean about the whole thing bring the devil out in the open for all to see.

Unfortunately it appears we have elected/appointed very small, selfish, weak willed men to those key positions.
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Lol no; it's simply that nobody in Washington actually cares about the insects anymore.
Link Posted: 6/30/2015 8:58:17 AM EDT
No, there's a lot of statist, government loving, RINO shitbags with an R by their name in Washington.

There's no need to blackmail people who already essentially believe the same things you do.
Link Posted: 6/30/2015 8:59:34 AM EDT
This is a good read, and makes a lot of good points;

Are Key Republican Leaders in D.C. Being Blackmailed?

Are key Republican leaders in D.C. from the Senate, House and Supreme Court being blackmailed? Tell me you haven’t thought the exact same thing? Something is very wrong. Something smells rotten in DC. Rotten like a dead fish left at the front door of a Congressmen’s office by the Obama Crime Family. Rotten like a photo of a Supreme Court Justice with his robe down at his ankles.

Because what’s happening just isn’t normal. Please tell me how it’s possible that President Obama and his socialist cabal suffered the most massive and historic defeat in modern political history only 9 months ago- and since then they’ve gotten everything they’ve ever wanted handed to them on a silver platter. Does that make sense to you?

How’s it possible that the GOP- the party that won in a massive historic landslide gained nothing and won nothing? Not one victory. Zero. Zilch. Or in a language Democrats understand “Nada.”

It’s time to start asking the question. It’s time to be cynical. It’s time to assume the worst of this government. Was Supreme Court Justice Roberts blackmailed or intimidated? I would put nothing by this administration that lives and rules by the Chicago thug playbook.

Justice Roberts voting for Obamacare twice is as likely as me voting to save Obamacare. Like me, Justice Roberts is a lifelong dedicated conservative warrior. He was born to kill Obamacare. He was appointed by President Bush to become the key conservative vote to block “the fundamental transformation of America.”

All it would take to block any attempt to stop or stall Obama's agenda is blackmail against a few key Republicans in positions of power- like Boehner, McConnell and Justice Roberts. Find out the weak link of a key political leader or government official and hold it over their heads.

What makes anyone think the government and it’s 3-letter agencies (IRS, NSA, DOJ, FBI, SEC) don’t know everything bad about everyone in key positions in DC? What makes you think that blackmail isn’t happening every day to conservative politicians- except it’s the government doing the blackmailing?
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There is absolutely something going on, and if these "few key Republicans" and SCOTUS members are indeed being blackmailed and have any integrity, any love for country, the guts and morality to put the welfare millions of Americans above their own selfish desires to protect their indiscretions they would come clean about the whole thing bring the devil out in the open for all to see.

Unfortunately it appears we have elected/appointed very small, selfish, weak willed men to those key positions.
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Who knows, but I'm pretty sure all the stuff that NSA collects just doesn't sit in cold storage, can't let juicy details of a pols life go unused you know.  I read a story about Roberts adopted kids possibly being used against him, but again who knows.  You give government the ultimate power to watch they eventually will see or find something you don't want the public to know and one will act accordingly to protect their slice of the pie so toe the line comrade !!!
Link Posted: 6/30/2015 9:00:20 AM EDT

So basically the did crooked, corrupt, illegal shit in the past.....so now they are being forced to do crooked, corrupt, illegal shit now?
Link Posted: 6/30/2015 9:01:00 AM EDT
There is no need to blackmail most of these people.
They know which way the air is blowing and they know who is in control of the fan making it move.

Link Posted: 6/30/2015 9:02:46 AM EDT
I wouldn't rule it out, but in my opinion the more likely problem is a principal-agent problem. Once actually in office there is no good reason for elected officials to actually follow through on their promises. Taking political action is risky; doing nothing is profitable. Even after a term of doing fuck-all, they still reap millions in campaign contributions, and will likely be re-elected. They don't have to risk their comfortable positions of wealth and influence by actually taking political action.

What you need to realign the priorities of the elected officials to those of the electorate is universal recall provisions. That way there is actually a mechanism to punish officials for not doing the will of those they represent.
Link Posted: 6/30/2015 9:03:05 AM EDT
Maybe all Republicans are gay and being blackmailed for it!!!
Link Posted: 6/30/2015 9:04:33 AM EDT
Government is no longer around to serve the people, the people are around to serve the government.
Link Posted: 6/30/2015 9:10:58 AM EDT

Paid off, bought and paid for etc etc. You can't rape the willing.

Link Posted: 6/30/2015 9:11:04 AM EDT
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Government is no longer around to serve the people, the people are around to serve the government.
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Yup, the transformation is complete.
Link Posted: 6/30/2015 9:13:27 AM EDT
Naah. It's just RINOs being RINOs.

Bribed, yes. Blackmailed, probably not.
Link Posted: 6/30/2015 9:18:58 AM EDT
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Naah. It's just RINOs being RINOs.
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RINOS being RINOS AND a sprinkling of BOEHNER PICS with a young male intern, Roberts "illegal" adoption of Irish children from a third party country, Pics and video of McConnel getting serviced by a tranny, Paul Ryan in a the back of a limo with an office staffer...
Link Posted: 6/30/2015 9:31:33 AM EDT
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RINOS being RINOS AND a sprinkling of BOEHNER PICS with a young male intern, Roberts "illegal" adoption of Irish children from a third party country, Pics and video of McConnel getting serviced by a tranny, Paul Ryan in a the back of a limo with an office staffer...
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Naah. It's just RINOs being RINOs.

RINOS being RINOS AND a sprinkling of BOEHNER PICS with a young male intern, Roberts "illegal" adoption of Irish children from a third party country, Pics and video of McConnel getting serviced by a tranny, Paul Ryan in a the back of a limo with an office staffer...

No wonder people get into politics.
Link Posted: 6/30/2015 9:37:36 AM EDT
I'm quite certain we'll look back on this in a few decades and wonder how America could've been so stupid.

Everything looks obvious in the rear view mirror though.
Link Posted: 6/30/2015 9:41:10 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/30/2015 9:41:40 AM EDT
integrity, any love for country, the guts and morality
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I'm pretty sure that is illegal to posses in DC
Link Posted: 6/30/2015 9:50:42 AM EDT
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Maybe all Republicans are gay and being blackmailed for it!!!
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Paging Senator Lindsey Graham. Senator Lindsey Graham to the white courtesy phone. Senator Graham to the white courtesy phone.
Link Posted: 6/30/2015 9:54:47 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/30/2015 9:56:51 AM EDT
blackmailed... right.
They're all bought and paid for scumbag LIFELONG politicians who all sleep in the same bed regardless of what letter is next to their name.
R or D, they're one and the same.
Link Posted: 6/30/2015 10:00:19 AM EDT
It makes no difference to me why they've sold us out.
Link Posted: 6/30/2015 10:00:55 AM EDT
Let's see.  I make $60K per year as average Joe.  

My neighbors think I'm cool and send me to Washington DC......where in a few short years I am now worth several million dollars and have a 97% chance of being reelected no matter how I vote.

That money has strings attached though....but I like having my dick sucked by beautiful red headed lobbyists with perfect tits so......

ETA: (or offered little boys at parties)

Anything else you want to know?
Link Posted: 6/30/2015 10:08:29 AM EDT
Very likely. NSA admitted to spying on the Senate. No special investigations going on. Hilliary openly taking bribes. The list goes on and on.
Even if it's tinfoil thats what happen when you have a out of control .gov.
Link Posted: 6/30/2015 10:10:49 AM EDT
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Government is no longer around to serve the people, the people are around to serve the government.
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Link Posted: 6/30/2015 10:13:34 AM EDT
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So basically the did crooked, corrupt, illegal shit in the past.....so now they are being forced to do crooked, corrupt, illegal shit now?
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Maybe, or maybe since everything under the sun is a felony now they just got them on a technicality.

"Look, Mr. Roberts, we have a picture of you taking a piss in the woods. Do you know that is a felony sex offense? Yeah, let's play ball."
Link Posted: 6/30/2015 10:17:35 AM EDT
Fortunately, my handcuffs are "one size fits all" and will take down the elephants as easily as the jackasses
Link Posted: 6/30/2015 10:21:14 AM EDT
You can't rape the willing.
Link Posted: 6/30/2015 10:22:45 AM EDT
I do wonder sometimes if they haven't gotten to a lot of people.

Who knows.
Link Posted: 6/30/2015 10:25:51 AM EDT
I will go with the opposite stance of most of GD.  

Yes , they are.  

One that immediately comes to mind is Boehner.  His actions, directly against most of the Majority, tell you all you need to know.  I know he is a RINO, but even RINO's have their limits before they are just a Dem.  

All this domestic spying, ya'll really think that it has been directed, all of these years, at us?  

Think again.
Link Posted: 6/30/2015 10:29:10 AM EDT
They know this country is dead.  A relic.  They will prop up the remnants as long as possible.
Link Posted: 6/30/2015 10:29:43 AM EDT
Blackmailed?  Nope, you don't have to blackmail TRAITORS.
Link Posted: 6/30/2015 10:30:00 AM EDT
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I will go with the opposite stance of most of GD.  

Yes , they are.  

One that immediately comes to mind is Boehner.  His actions, directly against most of the Majority, tell you all you need to know.  I know he is a RINO, but even RINO's have their limits before they are just a Dem.  

All this domestic spying, ya'll really think that it has been directed, all of these years, at us?  

Think again.
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I keep wondering about Roberts on the SCOTUS, after he threw us under the bus over the Zerocare thing.
Link Posted: 6/30/2015 10:31:10 AM EDT

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I do wonder sometimes if they haven't gotten to a lot of people.

Who knows.
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Meh.  They're all probably part of some pedo ring like in Britain.  

Link Posted: 6/30/2015 10:33:23 AM EDT

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I keep wondering about Roberts on the SCOTUS, after he threw us under the bus over the Zerocare thing.

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Roberts is easy to explain.  He is a career bureaucrat.  His whole deal with Obamacare is that he isn't going to be the one who takes the flack for this thing.  Congress passed it, and Congress can get rid of it.  He will do nothing to help because he doesn't want to be part of this fight.  If you ever deal with the federal bureaucracy you see this all the time.  The one thing they all avoid like the plague is any hint of blame on something controversial.  

Link Posted: 6/30/2015 10:34:59 AM EDT

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No, there's a lot of statist, government loving, RINO shitbags with an R by their name in Washington.

There's no need to blackmail people who already essentially believe the same things you do.
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Link Posted: 6/30/2015 10:40:25 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/30/2015 10:41:32 AM EDT
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Roberts is easy to explain.  He is a career bureaucrat.  His whole deal with Obamacare is that he isn't going to be the one who takes the flack for this thing.  Congress passed it, and Congress can get rid of it.  He will do nothing to help because he doesn't want to be part of this fight.  If you ever deal with the federal bureaucracy you see this all the time.  The one thing they all avoid like the plague is any hint of blame on something controversial.    
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I keep wondering about Roberts on the SCOTUS, after he threw us under the bus over the Zerocare thing.
Roberts is easy to explain.  He is a career bureaucrat.  His whole deal with Obamacare is that he isn't going to be the one who takes the flack for this thing.  Congress passed it, and Congress can get rid of it.  He will do nothing to help because he doesn't want to be part of this fight.  If you ever deal with the federal bureaucracy you see this all the time.  The one thing they all avoid like the plague is any hint of blame on something controversial.    

You're probably right.  But still, I do wonder sometimes about the preposition made in the OP, overall.
Link Posted: 6/30/2015 10:48:40 AM EDT
Ted Cruz has a book coming out today that addresses the corruption within the Republican party, and he's naming names.

I don't think there's any blackmail going on, it's just big government doing what it does best - growing itself.
Link Posted: 6/30/2015 10:49:28 AM EDT
No, they are Statist-dickheads that need to be hung for treason.
Link Posted: 6/30/2015 10:51:23 AM EDT
JEdgar har the FBI amass vast amounts of leverage he then used against politicans, the wealthy, and celebrities.  Even Bobbie Kennedy didn't fuck with JEdgar.

Nixon used CIA to run black bag ops against his actual and perceived enemies. It wasn't until Nixon got caught in an outright lie that his actions became unsupportable.

Someone in the USSS stood watch while Clinton got blown by Lewinsky. That tidbit of information was held until it could be used against him.

So what makes people think times have changed?

Link Posted: 6/30/2015 10:51:58 AM EDT
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What you need to realign the priorities of the elected officials to those of the electorate is universal recall provisions. That way there is actually a mechanism to punish officials for not doing the will of those they represent.
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a.k.a. voting.
Link Posted: 6/30/2015 11:01:39 AM EDT
Probably not but when Roberts decides Obamacare the way he did it makes you wonder if he is competent (same for the other 5 Justices).

I mean, even an idiot like myself can see that Congress gave the states a fucking INCENTIVE to set up their own exchanges in the form of TAX CREDITS for the insured.

When that turns out to not be popular in a lot of states..............Roberts says, that is inconclusive.........."the ACA was enacted to give more Americans healthcare access, not less"

So I guess I could have set up the ACA anyway I wanted and it wouldn't matter how I worded the fucking statute OR WHY I WORDED THE TAX CREDIT INCENTIVE PART THE WAY CONGRESS DID.

Link Posted: 6/30/2015 11:04:27 AM EDT
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Roberts is easy to explain.  He is a career bureaucrat.  His whole deal with Obamacare is that he isn't going to be the one who takes the flack for this thing.  Congress passed it, and Congress can get rid of it.  He will do nothing to help because he doesn't want to be part of this fight.  If you ever deal with the federal bureaucracy you see this all the time.  The one thing they all avoid like the plague is any hint of blame on something controversial.    
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I keep wondering about Roberts on the SCOTUS, after he threw us under the bus over the Zerocare thing.
Roberts is easy to explain.  He is a career bureaucrat.  His whole deal with Obamacare is that he isn't going to be the one who takes the flack for this thing.  Congress passed it, and Congress can get rid of it.  He will do nothing to help because he doesn't want to be part of this fight.  If you ever deal with the federal bureaucracy you see this all the time.  The one thing they all avoid like the plague is any hint of blame on something controversial.    

Lol this.  All of the "I wonder what they have on Roberts" bullshit is amusing though.

So many of you people just don't get how things work....he is the Chief Justice and this is his "place in history".  You don't think that he considers his legacy when making decisions?  

No one will know who Scalia is in 50 years...but Roberts?  Yep.
Link Posted: 6/30/2015 11:05:32 AM EDT

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No, there's a lot of statist, government loving, RINO shitbags with an R by their name in Washington.

There's no need to blackmail people who already essentially believe the same things you do.


Yep. They will be championed as the "Last Chance" in "The most important election EVER!", again, by the so-called "Chess Players" (Useful idiots) who have been enabling them for far too long. May fuck be upon them all for our ruination.
Link Posted: 6/30/2015 11:06:52 AM EDT

There's too much money to be made by them, if they go along with the program.
Link Posted: 6/30/2015 11:15:07 AM EDT
Well, we now know what they were holding over Dennis Hastert's head when he was such a wimp. Wouldn't be the least bit surprised if there aren't others similarly compromised.
Link Posted: 6/30/2015 11:20:18 AM EDT

Are Campaign Contributions, plum jobs for family members and hot stock tips the same as bribes?
Link Posted: 6/30/2015 11:34:19 AM EDT
Plata o plomo. It's both.

They get there and then they are offered a choice, either take all the millions of dollars in cash and bennies or we destroy you.
Link Posted: 6/30/2015 11:37:48 AM EDT

Link Posted: 6/30/2015 11:40:57 AM EDT
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Maybe, or maybe since everything under the sun is a felony now they just got them on a technicality.

"Look, Mr. Roberts, we have a picture of you taking a piss in the woods. Do you know that is a felony sex offense? Yeah, let's play ball."
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So basically the did crooked, corrupt, illegal shit in the past.....so now they are being forced to do crooked, corrupt, illegal shit now?

Maybe, or maybe since everything under the sun is a felony now they just got them on a technicality.

"Look, Mr. Roberts, we have a picture of you taking a piss in the woods. Do you know that is a felony sex offense? Yeah, let's play ball."

You would think that an older politician, nearing the end of their life and career would spill the beans if this was indeed the case.

I would almost like to believe that widespread blackmail is the reason behind a lot of what is going on as opposed to them just being a bunch of disconnected, corrupt assholes.
But they are probably just disconnected, corrupt assholes.

Link Posted: 6/30/2015 11:41:18 AM EDT
No, they are being paid millions to throw us all under the bus!

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