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Posted: 2/25/2001 8:32:26 PM EDT
Maybe some of you current FFL holders can give me some help.  I will be applying for an FFL in May.  The reason I'm waiting untill May is b/c I'm a full time college student.  Consequently, I will not have time to deal w/ the ATF and their inspection period until this summer. I already have the application, and I'm trying to get the wheels turning.  I need to use my residential address as the registered address on the 01 FFL.  Now here's the problem.  I was speaking to my zoning commissioner, and he informed that this had been done in my town before (FFL registration address in a residential zone) and that we would be able to work something out.  He had to talk to someone else about and he would get back to me.  He was satisfied that I would not have a showroom in my home.  Then he wanted to know if it was my permanent address.  I informed him that I was a full time college student (I think this is where I went wrong), and he said it would be ok so long as my family is living there.

That was three weeks ago, and this guy hasn't returned either of my two follow-up calls.  I'm a little worried that my local zoning commissioner is blowing me off because I mentioned I am a college student, hence not worth his time because how serious could I be anyway?

The problem is, as some of you know, during the 60 day inspection period I have to be able to provide the ATF with evidence that issuing me an FFL is not in violation with local ordinance, which of course was the entire purpose of me contacting my local zoning commissioner.

Well, it seems as though Mr. Zoning Commissioner is blowing me off.  I would like to have the "ok" from town hall before I even apply b/c I only have three months to put this thing together when I get back this summer.  Hence, if this spills over into May I'm potentially screwed cause I don't have all the time in the world for this guy to pull his head out of his colan.

If anyone with experience could tell me how difficult it is to get local approval for this type of thing, the best way to go about it, and how long it takes, I would greatly appreciate it.

Incase you were wondering, my home address is in Fairfield County, CT, and my business objectives are quite limited as I only plan on doing this part time to help pay down student loans/keep cash in my pockets.
Link Posted: 2/26/2001 5:09:24 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/26/2001 7:30:10 PM EDT
BTT, last try.
Link Posted: 2/26/2001 9:55:42 PM EDT
Sorry, I didn't see your topic sooner. You MUST be prepared to do this fulltime as your livlihood. Tell them you changed your mind about college. Approach this as a "GUNSMITH" license and state you will do outcall service only. The residence must be registered as a "home office" for documentation storage and operational purposes. Gunsmiths are FFLs too and it is exactly the same license but less code & zone hassels. Because you are not conducting business on the premise (outcall service, remember) code and zone cannot touch you.
Also another big no no. When ATF asks "Do you plan on only doing gunshow sales?" The answer better be NO! The correct answer is "I will primarily do custom smithing, and occassional aquantance sales."
Link Posted: 2/27/2001 11:27:08 AM EDT
AUG, thank you for your tips.  Just one question, I don't really know too much about gunsmithing, so if I go for the 07 FFL will I have to prove in any way that I actually intend to perform gunsmithing?  Also, how do I register my reisdential address as a "home office"?  Thanks for you help.
Link Posted: 2/27/2001 11:46:13 AM EDT
It can be a part time job. And does not need to be your sole occupation. The qestion on the form is do you intend to do business only at gun shows and should be answered no. There is nothing wrong with doing business at gun shows. You will have to list business hours. You can list 800pm-900pm on Sunday only if you so desire. And note by appointment only on the application.
When I got my inspection the ATF guy noted that I have a safe, and machine tools. None of this was a requirement but a notation.

Anoter NE title 2 had only a hand drill and dremel tool. They accepted this. He told them his intent for the first couple of yrs was Research and Development only not actual production.
Link Posted: 2/27/2001 12:27:38 PM EDT
Okay, this might be a taboo question, but....

How many FFL holders order firearms / lowers / parts / whatever at Dealer / FFL prices, and just keep them for personal use????

Is it OK to do that?? What reporting must be done?? Do they have to fill out a 4473 like the rest of us???
Link Posted: 2/27/2001 12:32:56 PM EDT
SteyrAug, what do you mean by "outcall" service?  Like you go to people and pick up their guns for repair.

I'd love to get an FFL but never knew how I could get around the zoning thing.  I could make a good suplimental income doing transfers for on-line gun buyers for $25. fee.  
Link Posted: 2/27/2001 12:43:11 PM EDT
I got my application about a year ago and kind of gave up on it because of being told that I have to have a storefront, etc, all kinds of bull.  After reading David Hineline's post, maybe I could still do it.  Security is no problem as I have a huge safe that would take TNT to move.  As a 'gunsmith' would I also be able to obtain a Class III license and as such would I be able to buy post 86 Class III weaponry?  If so, it would have to be a 'dealer sample' or something like that, wouldn't it?  This string has renewed my interest in something I had given up on.
Link Posted: 2/27/2001 1:07:08 PM EDT
Larry G, you don't have to be a gunsmith to have a C3, you do need to have an 07 FFL (gunsmith license) for a C2 SOT (manufacture of an NFA weapon).  You can get a C3 SOT on  a regular 01 FFL, if I'm not mistaken.  Here is a link to the National Licensing Center.  It should help.

Link Posted: 2/27/2001 8:08:48 PM EDT
Slt223: Do you know how to remove a bolt from a bolt action rifle? Congratulations you are now a gunsmith. You register your home office with code and zoning for "office use only." You can still receive shipments and such but cannot have display cases, signs, etc. You are also not supposed to maintain an inventory, you can, just don't go crazy.

DavidH: Yes you can do it part time but i was emphasizing that he must state a desire to sell for profit and not to amass a collection and arm his friends.

Garandman: I transfers firearms to meyself all the time at cost. You don't fill out 4473, you just indicate it went to your personal collection in the books. God man why else would you pull the FFL?

Akrazy: By "outcall" I mean I got to your place and fix your guns. This is not that uncommon. First I am not zoned to do repairs at my place and second, if I was and kept your gun overnight, I would have to do a 4473 and background check before I could return it to you. Now tell me that isn't f-ed up.

Larry: I do believe Class 3s require a storefront for security reasons.

The ATF, especially under Clinton, has gone out of their way to eliminate the home FFL. The main weapon is code and zoning. I consider it my duty to circumvent unjust laws. Guys get your FFLs and get your guns.
Link Posted: 2/27/2001 8:52:17 PM EDT
SteyrAUG, you have been a great help to me and I have just one more question, if my zoning commissioner will approve an 01 FFL am I in the clear?  Could the ATF still screw me some how during my inspection period?
Link Posted: 2/27/2001 9:06:32 PM EDT
I live in a rural area and my atf agent stated that he was to busy to get out to check our storefront during our inspection period.
Link Posted: 2/27/2001 9:11:24 PM EDT
AR-builder, do you know where I can pickup some ATF field agent repellant? :)
Link Posted: 2/27/2001 9:26:42 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/28/2001 11:17:31 AM EDT
SteyrAUG, you have been a great help to me and I have just one more question, if my zoning commissioner will approve an 01 FFL am I in the clear?  Could the ATF still screw me some how during my inspection period?
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Sounds like you are in the clear. Just be advised code and zone are their main avenues for denial. Have this paperwork in the bag and your good. Also you might be required to get an occupational license. I would definitly go the outcall gunsmith on this one. It is a local license only so it won't matter. Mine reads "gunsmith service - office use only." This will be good enough for ATF. Incidently I am going on year three with no inspection. I have not done anything to draw attention to myself. Try and be as "small potatos" as possible. ATF only has so many agents so don't draw attention and you might never meet one. Code and zone will be another story and will visit you. Have a work area set up, desk, etc. Do not have any commercial indicators. No signs, display cases, customer areas or boxes of crap piled up. You want to have a place of operation for incoming calls, paperwork and things like that only. You will probably be required to have a fire extinguisher as well. Good luck.
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