So my mom and I just finished watching the movie by Oliver Stone...It was really good.
I just felt so damn sad at the end. I just wonder why the libs in this country have to be so god damn mean..
I then watched some of the vidoes on Youtube about him like his funeral and the funeral of Pat and it was so sad. What made it even worse are the shit heads that we have to share our air with that made comments about him.
This country is just filled to the brim with hateful people who swear all they want is peace and happiness.
It is only worse now then ever––and it sickens me.
All I can say is even though Nixon made mistakes he was a human being and the way the left treated him and still treats him today is sick...
If, however, we say anything about the "Dear Leader" (legitimate things I might add) we are the wrongest people on Earth..
Please someone explain to me what is wrong with some people in this country...