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and follow the program. You don't need no stinkin video. If you get up to 5 sets of 12 pullups, you're the man.
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[b][green]1. Pass a diving physical exam
2. Eye sight cannot be worse than 20/40 in one eye and 20/70 in the other eye and must be correctable to 20/20 with no color blindness
3. Minimum ASVAB score: VE + AR= 104, MC = 50
4. Must be 28 years old or less
5. Only men are eligible
Physical Screen Test 1. 500 yard swim using breast and/or side stroke in 12:30 Ten minute rest
2. Perform minimum of 42 pushups in 2 minutes Two minute rest
3. Perform minimum of 50 situps in 2 minutes Two minute rest
4. Perform at least 6 pull ups, no time limit Ten minute rest
5. Run 1.5 miles wearing boots and pants in 11:30 [/b][/green]
[b][red]I could just about pass the entrance test right now, all but the 28 year old max age,the training on the other hand would probably kill me[/b][/red]