You might try Pro Shot Products in Taylorville, Illinois. Their phone # is: (217) 824-9133. They sell high quality, but not too expensive, cleaning equipment and chemicals. I have used their polished stainless steel cleaning rods for years and have noticed no deterioration in accuracy in several rifles. I always clean from the breech end when possible and use bore guides as mentioned above by MindHunter. Their jags and patches and brushes are made to fit onto the rod with a smooth joint. This minimizes the chance of damage to the crown. The coated rods, such as Dewey's, are no better or safer in my experience. His stuff is often sold at gun shows and shops around the country. He has a grease called Pro Gold Lubricant that is exceptional on the slide rails of pistols and even on the bolt carrier of an AR where it contacts the upper receiver. I use bore snakes for light cleaning at the range but they do not clean thoroughly by any stretch of the imagination. IMO they are barely worth the time/cost.