I picked up a 12 week old Doberman puppy about 3 weeks ago. He's a great dog, and is very healthy and active. Over the last week....he has developed a large bump on his head right on top of that pointy bone at the back of his head. It was about the size of a peanut.
I took him to the vet, and the vet said it may be some kind of scar tissue built up from hitting his head on something. So the vet decided to remove the small lump. He said that the tissue did not look like a tumor or a cist....just some kind of scare tissue.
So all was fine for a few days after the surgery.....but then after the third day, the dog developed a lemon sized fluid pocket under the stitches. It was horrible looking….the dog had a cone head! I took him back to the vet because he said that was somewhat common, and just needed to be drained. BUT!....as the vet was draining the fluid out.....he said that he noticed that the original peanut sized lump of tissue that he had removed a few days before had already gown back...and was actually larger than the lump he first removed.
He's now saying that this may be a tumor. He also said that he has not seen or even heard about a tumor on a puppy head in the 30 yrs he's been a vet.
Has anyone ever heard of this happening to a puppy...especially a Doberman puppy?
Thanks.....I hope I don't have to put my new pall down :(