A bit of background.
I have a small farm and have been kicking the idea around of growing more vegetables and maybe some pumpkins instead of hay and grains. I did extensive volunteer work in Hancock Co Mississippi after Hurricane Katrina back in '05-'06. A local guy remembered this and contacted me a couple of weeks ago about joining a "committee". His pitch was centered around small (20 acres) family owned produce growers and how to open up a market for the crops.
He gave me a couple of websites to check out and today, I finally had a chance to look at them. Social, economic and environmental justice are some of the first words on the rural action home page. Sustainable this, sustainable that, all kinds of "buzz" words that sound too familiar.
Links left cold:
Has anyone had an experience with these groups? I haven't looked at how or who funds them, anyone know this stuff off hand?
While my first instinct is to RUN, there is a meeting this week with one of the regional directors, I might go just to hear what they are thinking.