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Posted: 1/30/2011 6:18:02 PM EDT
This actually looks like it could be a pretty cool.  


What I really want to do is eventually put together a team for an adventure race.

Link Posted: 1/30/2011 6:26:08 PM EDT
I have not but the stae park I am exploring right now has them. I think I might try it.
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 6:29:06 PM EDT
I did a 24 hour deal about 4 or 5 years ago called the Ultra Ogaine in TN.  It was a blast and I was so smoked afterwards I only made about 45 minutes of driving before my partner and I had to pull over and sleep in a Krystal parking lot.  

It is pretty wild, lot of different strategy being used.  We ran azimuths as straight to our intended points as possible, and went through and over as much as possible with the first 8 hours being in the dark.  Some guys just ran the main service roads and got stuff that was close to the road, etc.  
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 6:32:22 PM EDT
A little with Boy Scouts and JROTC, a bit more with ROTC.

I'll bet they do some way more hardcore stuff though.
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 6:42:43 PM EDT
I teach land navigation several times a year.

It's fun.
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 6:43:30 PM EDT
I own one of these.  It was fun.

Link Posted: 1/30/2011 6:52:43 PM EDT
Learned it in the USMC and the NG. In spite of being an OCS Grad, my map and compass skills are solid.
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 6:55:36 PM EDT
What kind of compasses and maps would you guys recommend?

Know of any good resources to look into as well?
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 6:56:56 PM EDT
Uh, yeah.

Some of us were instructed (and tested) in land navigation by Uncle Sam.

Link Posted: 1/30/2011 7:00:36 PM EDT

Did it in the Army.

Never did it as a civilian.  Always wanted to.  

Link Posted: 1/30/2011 7:01:18 PM EDT
i like to do anything even close to this.

but....i have kids and a wife.

cant do it as much as i would like to

Link Posted: 1/30/2011 7:03:25 PM EDT
A good Brunton.
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 7:25:58 PM EDT
I have taught Orienteering.  It is a sport that requires endurance.  The catch is you are racing for a time over a long distance; as fatigue sets in you start to make mistakes and your analytical skills start to fall off.

If you are just starting off, try using a Suunto M-3D compass; it will serve you well for the first couple of years.  Take your time and learn the skills.  A common mistake for beginners are they try to hold the map and compass and inadvertently move the map after they orient it to the terrain.  Set the map on the ground and get your bearings.  As you get better there are models of compasses that are specially made for the distance runners who are going for the time.
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