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Posted: 5/13/2004 11:58:24 AM EDT
I cannot understand the "anyone but Bush" mentality.  It's stupid.  I think voting for someone who you agree with and think will be a good leader is understandable, even if you think it is Kerry, but I will never understand voting against Bush soley to vote aginst him.  Especially if the person you support would harm your life more than Bush would.

By the "anyone but" mentality I mean voting for someone irregardless of their paltform.

Case in point:

I know someone who, in his own words, is an "anyone but Bush" guy.  This means that at present he plans to vote for Kerry, which would be an extremely stupid mistake on his part.  He is reliant on his wife's income to pay for the mortgage, new car payments, food, etc.  (It is NOT his fault that this is his present situation.  He is starting his own buisness, so don't flame him for being 'lazy'.  And no, he is not me.)  She works for a pharmacutical company.  If Kerry succeeds in getting RX drugs imported from Canada, she may lose her job, and thus their house, land, etc.  He is also staunchly pro- second amendment.  From talking to him I can tell that he belioeves that the economic situation is not wholly GWB's fault, and that Saddam is a nasty mofo who should be dead already.  From what I can tell, the only reason he does not like the Bush administration is that they are republicans ( And have ties to oil companies-- can you say class antagonism?).

WTF is he thinking?  He would give up his whole life to say that we have someone other than Bush in office?

Just thought I'd share a story of the "anyone but Bush" mentality.      

Ranting/venting over.


Edited to clarify.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 12:01:19 PM EDT

And have ties to oil companies

Slight sidetrack.  Have you noticed the Dems have not been widely blasting Bush for oil prices.  I think Dems have as many oil ties as Reps.  Or atleast oil companies have as many Dems in their pockets as Reps.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 12:02:24 PM EDT
Another reason for the electorial college, the founding fathers of the USA, didn't eactly trust the basic guy/gal on the street to make sound important discisions.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 12:13:48 PM EDT
Oh, I forgot to mention that he's a pro life person.

Unlike most liberals, this position is a result of personal experiences.

Link Posted: 5/13/2004 12:17:54 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 12:23:58 PM EDT


I cannot understand the "anyone but Bush" mentality.  It's stupid.  I think voting for someone who you agree with and think will be a good leader is understandable, even if you think it is Kerry, but I will never understand voting against Bush soley to vote aginst him.

I can understand it--in reverse.  During the eight years before GWB was elected, I had an absolute "anyone but Xlinton" attitude BIG TIME.  I would have voted for Satan in 1996, knowing he is less evil than the Hitlerybeast.  

Same here.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 12:28:36 PM EDT


I cannot understand the "anyone but Bush" mentality.  It's stupid.  I think voting for someone who you agree with and think will be a good leader is understandable, even if you think it is Kerry, but I will never understand voting against Bush soley to vote aginst him.

I can understand it--in reverse.  During the eight years before GWB was elected, I had an absolute "anyone but Xlinton" attitude BIG TIME.  I would have voted for Satan in 1996, knowing he is less evil than the Hitlerybeast.  

Would you have voted for someone who promised to destroy your entire life?  

Thats the difference here. This guy is much more conservative than he realizes, imho.  It seems he dislikes the men, not the policy of the Bush administration.

I doubt you would vote for someone who would have been worse than clinton.

Link Posted: 5/13/2004 12:35:31 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 12:37:16 PM EDT
Lots of "anyone but Bust 04" people here in NM. Well I see a lot of bumper stickers at least. The stupidest one says, "Defoliate the Bushs". What idiots. There's a car in town w/ a "peace is patriotic" sticker that is cut out to say "peace is _a_riot__" Kinda cleaver I guess. It's even cut in the shape of a Jesus fish.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 12:45:54 PM EDT


I cannot understand the "anyone but Bush" mentality.  It's stupid.  I think voting for someone who you agree with and think will be a good leader is understandable, even if you think it is Kerry, but I will never understand voting against Bush soley to vote aginst him.

I can understand it--in reverse.  During the eight years before GWB was elected, I had an absolute "anyone but Xlinton" attitude BIG TIME.  I would have voted for Satan in 1996, knowing he is less evil than the Hitlerybeast.  

Me too.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 12:51:50 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 1:14:28 PM EDT
anybody but bush...go hillary........
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 1:51:04 PM EDT
Believe it or not, there's still plenty of dumbasses who think Gore won the election despite several recounts showing otherwise. There's plenty of hate, bile & loathing on the side of the "love everyone & it'll be all right" crowd. Kinda ironic.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 2:11:04 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 2:33:54 PM EDT

Believe it or not, there's still plenty of dumbasses who think Gore won the election despite several recounts showing otherwise. There's plenty of hate, bile & loathing on the side of the "love everyone & it'll be all right" crowd. Kinda ironic.

I see your view point also, many people GWB Jr. stole the elections. Many people are so ignorant of how the USA federal works it is unreal. They don't understand that we don't elect presidents thru the popular vote, but thru the electorial college. These are the people who got Ds in high school history, but back then, it didn't affect them personally so they saw no point in learning it.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 2:37:40 PM EDT
well the good news is there goign to get bush reelected since they cant stand united behind one canidate since there "anyone but bush"

Link Posted: 5/13/2004 2:38:12 PM EDT
Is anyone else experiencing deja vu at the "anyone but Bush statement"?

My father-in-law was the same way with the first president Bush. That crap is how we got Klinton.
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