Interesting. An arch-conservative, yes, but I didn't know he was actually into shooting and/or hunting.
SUPREME COURT NOTEBOOK: Marksman Scalia bags a buck
By ANNE GEARAN Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON (AP) _ Justice Antonin Scalia, combative hero of the right, wisecracking inquisitor from the bench, father of nine _ and fearsome hunter?
Seems so. The red-meat conservative turns out to be quite a marksman. He took just three days to shoot his annual quota for turkeys in Mississippi last year, and this year has bagged a 13-point buck.
He often hunts in the Louisiana swamps, or with friends in Illinois or on Long Island. He has a freezer out in the garage stuffed with game.
These details are part of a profile of Scalia in the May issue of GQ. The men's-magazine piece focuses less on Scalia's brainy brand of conservative thought and more on his masculinity.
Thus we learn that Scalia hunts with his grandfather's rifle, plays poker with Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, likes a good steak and smokes a Benson & Hedges after lunch.