"These bastards have all kind of rigid rules about crack an' shit. And if you blow one guy in the washroom for beer money, it's like - hey, don't get me started. Then they have this stupid shit like when you're doing business in the parking lot, like 'Where'd you get that copy paper?' and I'm like 'Outta yer ass, bitch!' And they're like 'Is that office furniture your personal property? Are those your printer cartridges?' And I'm like 'Whatever, man.' And they're like 'Off the premises, dude!' And I'm like 'Piss off, Herr Geheimstaatspolizei' And they're like 'Hey Frank, what's the number for 9-1-1?' And they got this like '8:30' rule, as if 8:30 is years before 9:45, and they're just like, anal an' shit, and I'm a creative type. I need a place where I can be me, and give all I have to an employer who respects creativity."