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Posted: 1/24/2001 5:38:57 AM EDT
How do you all hide, store or bury your ammo stash? Does it matter? X_ring's on how much ammo you keep turned up a lot of ammo being kept. What do you do to safeguard your stash?
Link Posted: 1/24/2001 5:42:06 AM EDT
Next to the guns
Link Posted: 1/24/2001 5:42:19 AM EDT
Locked in cedar chest inherited from my wife's Granny.  Keeps it smelling fresh.
Link Posted: 1/24/2001 5:47:10 AM EDT
Should have added, what do you do when not at home?
Link Posted: 1/24/2001 8:18:43 AM EDT
.50 cal cans in the root cellar.
Link Posted: 1/24/2001 11:15:51 AM EDT
I use .50 cal cans in the closet.
Link Posted: 1/25/2001 8:35:23 AM EDT
50 cal. cans in safe room closet.
Link Posted: 1/25/2001 8:46:02 AM EDT
Speaking of safes, is one brand any better than the next?
Link Posted: 1/25/2001 9:05:08 AM EDT
Yes, Cannon safes Suck.
Link Posted: 1/25/2001 5:09:52 PM EDT
.50 cal cans in safe house.
Link Posted: 1/25/2001 5:31:46 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/25/2001 5:32:41 PM EDT
That`s a good one I like that. Thanks
Link Posted: 1/25/2001 6:40:31 PM EDT
50. cal cans under my water bed. With one can hidden elswhere.
Link Posted: 1/25/2001 7:33:29 PM EDT
Craftsman rolling tool cabinet.  Multiple drawers, lockable, easy to access.

Mine's full and so damn heavy I can barely move it.
Link Posted: 1/26/2001 4:52:49 AM EDT
I use .50 & .30 cal ammo cans, with a reuseable dessicant in each can.  I put these in a plastic soda case.  The type that used to hold 3 8-pks of the 1/2 liter bottles.  I think they hold the 2 liter bottles also.  One .50 cal can, and two .30's fit perfectly in the pop case.  2 50's and a 30 fit in with about a inch of 'finger space' (can get fingers all the way thru the handle).  These things hold about all the ammo one man can carry, for a short distance, with out throwing out his (my) back.  They are heavy duty, won't break apart, and are waterproof!   I store these in the back of the bus I have buried in the back yard!  And NO! it's not a short bus!!
Link Posted: 1/26/2001 5:14:12 AM EDT
Ammo in gun safe, under bed, under desk, on shelves, in drawers. I think I need to work on my organization a little.
Link Posted: 1/29/2001 8:06:59 AM EDT

It looks like no matter where you are in your house, your close to some ammo. I store mind in the safe and closet. I bought one of those vacuum sealers from Tilia and started packing ammo with it.

Link Posted: 1/29/2001 9:52:49 AM EDT
Is there any need to be concerned about temperature when storing in the house?  Of course it's not freezing here in FL but with the heat, humidity, and A/C  - what do I need to be concerned about?  I thought I read somewhere that brass sweats when the temp changes too often ??????
Link Posted: 1/29/2001 10:22:39 AM EDT

It looks like no matter where you are in your house, your close to some ammo. I store mind in the safe and closet. I bought one of those vacuum sealers from Tilia and started packing ammo with it.

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That sounds like a good idea. I was thinking I should put some of this stuff in baggies or something.  One concern I have is what to do if the house were to catch fire. Just tell the firemen to get face down in the ditch I guess.
Link Posted: 1/29/2001 10:34:05 AM EDT
Speaking of ammo and house fires:  Has anyone ever built a sprinker/fire surpression system in their ammo storage area?  I bet the fire department would be very happy to hear that all the reloading supplies became inert as soon as the fire alarm went off.

Link Posted: 1/29/2001 10:43:21 AM EDT
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