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Posted: 7/4/2012 11:33:20 AM EST


please make it hot

let not get it locked

Link Posted: 7/4/2012 12:10:04 PM EST

Link Posted: 7/4/2012 12:12:42 PM EST
Cancer needs chemo.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 7/4/2012 12:16:29 PM EST
"Celebrate diversity"
Link Posted: 7/4/2012 12:17:59 PM EST
Follow the rules or get stoned. plain and simple

Stupid Christians

Link Posted: 7/4/2012 12:18:52 PM EST
my head all most blew off my shoulders watching that
Link Posted: 7/4/2012 12:18:59 PM EST

I have never seen this thread topic in GD before.
Link Posted: 7/4/2012 12:19:21 PM EST
Follow the rules or get stoned. plain and simple

Stupid Christians

Throw stones.  Get shot.   Plain and simple.  Stupid stoners!
Link Posted: 7/4/2012 12:23:46 PM EST
I would expect no less
Link Posted: 7/4/2012 12:33:34 PM EST
idiots all of them.
Link Posted: 7/4/2012 12:35:18 PM EST
Link Posted: 7/4/2012 12:35:33 PM EST
Tasers, lots and lots of tasers.
Link Posted: 7/4/2012 12:36:14 PM EST
gig 'em

Link Posted: 7/4/2012 12:37:46 PM EST
Both parties are dumb. Christians went looking for a reaction, they got one. Muslims overreacted.
Link Posted: 7/4/2012 12:37:50 PM EST

And coming to a state near you.

Link Posted: 7/4/2012 12:51:01 PM EST
it would be funny to see them all get mowed down with a full auto pepperball gun....

also, a bunch of fuckin pissed off teenagers blew up the death star, I wouldn't underestimate this crowd.
Link Posted: 7/4/2012 12:58:54 PM EST
this thread and video are misleading.  Muslims are peaceful.  This is a doctored video.
Link Posted: 7/4/2012 1:15:14 PM EST
I'd have had a hard time remaining peaceful.
Link Posted: 7/4/2012 1:16:02 PM EST
This group has been stirring the pot at that festival for years. I'd bet most christians would be fine there. Most of the dialog i've had with people who follow islam has been civil.
That being said those assholes are out of line need some hickory shampoo ,rinse and repeat.
Link Posted: 7/4/2012 1:27:07 PM EST
It looked like it was 90% teenagers and kids. Kids are especially susceptible to the herd mentality.
Link Posted: 7/4/2012 1:38:05 PM EST
Follow the rules or get stoned. plain and simple

Stupid Christians

Throw stones.  Get shot.   Plain and simple.  Stupid stoners!


Link Posted: 7/4/2012 1:53:07 PM EST
Clearly the group was there to stir up an emotional response.  That doesn't invalidate that the people throwing objects were way out of line, but when you poke at a hornet's nest....

What I can't understand is that these people leave their shithole countries because they are shitholes and yet they then proceed to bring the same attitudes and ethics with them to America instead of attempting to change their mentality.  

If they put a moment of thought in to their behavior they would understand that the reason they are leaving their home country is because too many people there act like them.  Don't bring that behavior with you and turn America in to your shithole.
Link Posted: 7/4/2012 1:57:58 PM EST
In before the peaceful people come along
Link Posted: 7/4/2012 2:01:15 PM EST


Both parties are dumb. Christians went looking for a reaction, they got one. Muslims overreacted.

Watched the video and the Christians were not out of line. Tea party is looking for a reaction, OWS is looking for a reaction, Public free speech is going to get a reaction. You might not agree with their point but I think they vindicated what they were trying to point out. Saying the Muslims overreacted is an understatement. Throwing rocks and concrete is attempted murder. The group was filled with children and adults. You can see most of the adults in the back pushing the children forward. This group was just short of lynching these men and probably would of if they thought they could get away with it.  

Link Posted: 7/4/2012 2:03:02 PM EST
Gut them like fish and  bury them in pig vomit.
Link Posted: 7/4/2012 2:07:51 PM EST



Both parties are dumb. Christians went looking for a reaction, they got one. Muslims overreacted.

Watched the video and the Christians were not out of line. Tea party is looking for a reaction, OWS is looking for a reaction, Public free speech is going to get a reaction. You might not agree with their point but I think they vindicated what they were trying to point out. Saying the Muslims overreacted is an understatement. Throwing rocks and concrete is attempted murder. The group was filled with children and adults. You can see most of the adults in the back pushing the children forward. This group was just short of lynching these men and probably would of if they thought they could get away with it.

Telling people that they are going to burn in a lake of fire via megaphone is not looking for a reaction?

They're idiots, and unfortunately, a regular fixture around Dearborn in recent years.
Link Posted: 7/4/2012 2:08:53 PM EST
watched about 2 mins.  

Drama queens everywhere on that one
Link Posted: 7/4/2012 2:10:20 PM EST
Are these the same Christians who went to a Muslim festival screeching about eternal damnation and waving signs about lakes of fire?

No sympathy
Link Posted: 7/4/2012 2:10:40 PM EST

Yea fuck the first Amendment when dealing with the ROPers.  I don't care if they had a picture of Muhammad fucking a pig, they have the right in this country
for speech that isn't popular or politically correct.  Dearborn is an occupied territory, no longer part of the USA, more like some middle east shithole where Christians
are persecuted for their beliefs.  One city down how many more will fall before Americans wake up and say no more.
Link Posted: 7/4/2012 2:13:33 PM EST


Yea fuck the first Amendment when dealing with the ROPers. I don't care if they had a picture of Muhammad fucking a pig, they have the right in this country

for speech that isn't popular or politically correct. Dearborn is an occupied territory, no longer part of the USA, more like some middle east shithole where Christians

are persecuted for their beliefs. One city down how many more will fall before Americans wake up and say no more.

When a person acts like an asshole, they really shouldn't be surprised when they are treated like assholes.

You're another one of those hiding in the basement, worried about the Dhimmishariatalibanization of America, aren't you? MAYBE you saw a picture of Dearborn once online? (If that, even.)

Link Posted: 7/4/2012 2:14:07 PM EST

Yea fuck the first Amendment when dealing with the ROPers.  I don't care if they had a picture of Muhammad fucking a pig, they have the right in this country
for speech that isn't popular or politically correct.  Dearborn is an occupied territory, no longer part of the USA, more like some middle east shithole where Christians
are persecuted for their beliefs.  One city down how many more will fall before Americans wake up and say no more.

How about letting them have their festival without the signs and bullhorns?
How is this bald headed guy taunting the Muslims any different than the Westboro Baptist Church minister?
Link Posted: 7/4/2012 2:14:36 PM EST
I wonder what would happen if a gay couple was there, and how the media would deal with it.
Link Posted: 7/4/2012 2:15:04 PM EST

Yea fuck the first Amendment when dealing with the ROPers.  I don't care if they had a picture of Muhammad fucking a pig, they have the right in this country
for speech that isn't popular or politically correct.  Dearborn is an occupied territory, no longer part of the USA, more like some middle east shithole where Christians
are persecuted for their beliefs.  One city down how many more will fall before Americans wake up and say no more.

How about letting them have their festival without the signs and bullhorns?
How is this bald headed guy taunting the Muslims any different than the Westboro Baptist Church minister?

And you think some of these mouthbreathers don't agree with a lot of the garbage from the Westboro loonies, why?
Link Posted: 7/4/2012 2:16:42 PM EST




Yea fuck the first Amendment when dealing with the ROPers. I don't care if they had a picture of Muhammad fucking a pig, they have the right in this country

for speech that isn't popular or politically correct. Dearborn is an occupied territory, no longer part of the USA, more like some middle east shithole where Christians

are persecuted for their beliefs. One city down how many more will fall before Americans wake up and say no more.

How about letting them have their festival without the signs and bullhorns?

How is this bald headed guy taunting the Muslims any different than the Westboro Baptist Church minister?

And you think some of these mouthbreathers don't agree with a lot of the garbage from the Westboro loonies, why?

That inbred hick from Florida who came up here to burn a Koran (then he shot a hole in the floor of his car) was buddies with the Westboro church, but folks here lined up to fellate him all the same.
Link Posted: 7/4/2012 2:18:29 PM EST


Yea fuck the first Amendment when dealing with the ROPers. I don't care if they had a picture of Muhammad fucking a pig, they have the right in this country
for speech that isn't popular or politically correct. Dearborn is an occupied territory, no longer part of the USA, more like some middle east shithole where Christians
are persecuted for their beliefs. One city down how many more will fall before Americans wake up and say no more.

How about letting them have their festival without the signs and bullhorns?
How is this bald headed guy taunting the Muslims any different than the Westboro Baptist Church minister?

And you think some of these mouthbreathers don't agree with a lot of the garbage from the Westboro loonies, why?

That inbred hick from Florida who came up here to burn a Koran (then he shot a hole in the floor of his car) was buddies with the Westboro church, but folks here lined up to fellate him all the same.

I wonder what they would say if some trolls from Dearborn walked up to a church full of people and started blaring things in Arabic. Would these wannabe-Voltaire's be lining up to defend their freedom of speech?
Link Posted: 7/4/2012 2:19:04 PM EST
Link Posted: 7/4/2012 2:19:36 PM EST
trying to care or feel outrage.... I can't seem to find it.
Link Posted: 7/4/2012 2:20:01 PM EST
Link Posted: 7/4/2012 2:21:46 PM EST
Fugged up on many levels.
Beheadings will be next. Then.....

This Will Not End Well  
Link Posted: 7/4/2012 2:23:28 PM EST
Link Posted: 7/4/2012 2:23:49 PM EST
This group has been stirring the pot at that festival for years. I'd bet most christians would be fine there. Most of the dialog i've had with people who follow islam has been civil.
That being said those assholes are out of line need some hickory shampoo ,rinse and repeat.

Dont call those people Christians. That is not how Christians act.

Link Posted: 7/4/2012 2:24:07 PM EST
Fugged up on many levels.
Beheadings will be next. Then.....

This Will Not End Well  

Link Posted: 7/4/2012 2:24:26 PM EST




Both parties are dumb. Christians went looking for a reaction, they got one. Muslims overreacted.

Watched the video and the Christians were not out of line. Tea party is looking for a reaction, OWS is looking for a reaction, Public free speech is going to get a reaction. You might not agree with their point but I think they vindicated what they were trying to point out. Saying the Muslims overreacted is an understatement. Throwing rocks and concrete is attempted murder. The group was filled with children and adults. You can see most of the adults in the back pushing the children forward. This group was just short of lynching these men and probably would of if they thought they could get away with it.

Telling people that they are going to burn in a lake of fire via megaphone is not looking for a reaction?

They're idiots, and unfortunately, a regular fixture around Dearborn in recent years.

Ever been in a Muslim part of the world? Do you know what they say to non Muslims? Far worse. Read what I said before again I said they are looking for a reaction just as you right now are looking for a reaction. Ask a Hindu or Buddhist that's lived in an area with Muslims about their experiences.  

Link Posted: 7/4/2012 2:24:29 PM EST


Yea fuck the first Amendment when dealing with the ROPers. I don't care if they had a picture of Muhammad fucking a pig, they have the right in this country
for speech that isn't popular or politically correct. Dearborn is an occupied territory, no longer part of the USA, more like some middle east shithole where Christians
are persecuted for their beliefs. One city down how many more will fall before Americans wake up and say no more.

How about letting them have their festival without the signs and bullhorns?
How is this bald headed guy taunting the Muslims any different than the Westboro Baptist Church minister?

And you think some of these mouthbreathers don't agree with a lot of the garbage from the Westboro loonies, why?

That inbred hick from Florida who came up here to burn a Koran (then he shot a hole in the floor of his car) was buddies with the Westboro church, but folks here lined up to fellate him all the same.

I wonder what they would say if some trolls from Dearborn walked up to a church full of people and started blaring things in Arabic. Would these wannabe-Voltaire's be lining up to defend their freedom of speech?

Like it or not it's teling that nobody from the festival stood up and told the others to stop being jackasses.
Link Posted: 7/4/2012 2:25:36 PM EST



Both parties are dumb. Christians went looking for a reaction, they got one. Muslims overreacted.

Watched the video and the Christians were not out of line. Tea party is looking for a reaction, OWS is looking for a reaction, Public free speech is going to get a reaction. You might not agree with their point but I think they vindicated what they were trying to point out. Saying the Muslims overreacted is an understatement. Throwing rocks and concrete is attempted murder. The group was filled with children and adults. You can see most of the adults in the back pushing the children forward. This group was just short of lynching these men and probably would of if they thought they could get away with it.

Telling people that they are going to burn in a lake of fire via megaphone is not looking for a reaction?

They're idiots, and unfortunately, a regular fixture around Dearborn in recent years.

Ever been in a Muslim part of the world? Do you know what they say to non Muslims? Far worse. Read what I said before again I said they are looking for a reaction just as you right now are looking for a reaction. Ask a Hindu or Buddhist that's lived in an area with Muslims about their experiences.    

I live in a muslim country, want to elaborate on those bullshit claims?
Link Posted: 7/4/2012 2:26:05 PM EST
Fugged up on many levels.
Beheadings will be next. Then.....

This Will Not End Well  

Still don't care.
Link Posted: 7/4/2012 2:26:21 PM EST
This group has been stirring the pot at that festival for years. I'd bet most christians would be fine there. Most of the dialog i've had with people who follow islam has been civil.
That being said those assholes are out of line need some hickory shampoo ,rinse and repeat.

Dont call those people Christians. That is not how Christians act.

I wasn't i was referring to others.
Link Posted: 7/4/2012 2:26:46 PM EST
This group has been stirring the pot at that festival for years. I'd bet most christians would be fine there. Most of the dialog i've had with people who follow islam has been civil.
That being said those assholes are out of line need some hickory shampoo ,rinse and repeat.

Dont call those people Christians. That is not how Christians act.

They wear the title; they're yours , regardless of how they act
Link Posted: 7/4/2012 2:27:10 PM EST
Were there any shoes thrown?
Link Posted: 7/4/2012 2:29:43 PM EST
This group has been stirring the pot at that festival for years. I'd bet most christians would be fine there. Most of the dialog i've had with people who follow islam has been civil.
That being said those assholes are out of line need some hickory shampoo ,rinse and repeat.

Dont call those people Christians. That is not how Christians act.

They wear the title; they're yours , regardless of how they act

Same go for crooked cops?
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