From an article in today's New York Daily News:
"Tougher Rudy to hit back on Immigration"By David Saltonstall
Rudy Giuliani will jump back into the debate over immigration policy today, but don't expect him to talk about his days as mayor, when his policies were all but lifted from his liberal predecessor; Ed Koch.
As Giuliani seeks the Republican nomination for President, few issues leave him as open to attack as immigration, a topic that has ignited the conservative base this year like no other.
These days, Giuliani talks stridently about requiring all noncitizens to receive "tamper proof" ID cards, to learn English as a condition of citizenship, and about building a fence, real and "technological", along the Mexican border.
..........But it was not always so for Giuliani, who as mayor was considered one of the most immigrant friendly government officials in the nation, in both word and deed.
He maintained the city's longstanding immigration policy, begun under Koch and maintained by former Mayor David Dinkins, which guaranteed immigrants access to schools, health care and the police, regardless of their status.
..........Then-Mayor Guiliani also rarely missed a chance to extol the virtues of the immigrants' struggle.
"Some of the hardest working and mosts productive people in this city are undocumented aliens" Giuliani said in 1994.
"If you come here and you work hard and you happen to be in an undocumented status, you're one of the people who we want in this city".
Two years later when asked his view of a Suffolk County bill to make English the official language, he responded, "there's no reason to pass a bill like this, except maybe to exclude people, insult people or offend people".
It's comments like these that have led Republican rival Mitt Rommney to accuse Guiliani of running a "sanctuary" city for illegal aliens--a charge that Giuliani has tried to deflect by changing the subject to public safety.
"My response is, you have to look at the results", he said last week. "New York City has had the least amount of illegality per capita of any major city in the country and I brought this change about"..........
And anti illegal immigrant "Rudy" now is a supporter of our second ammendment rights too.